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Congratulations to matt for winning The Forest copy with the tale of John Frum made god.

I've been getting Factorio footage over the past three-ish weeks with factories in all kinds of configurations. It got to the point I was starting to dream of trying to solve problems with belts so I think that was the breaking point. I'm still expecting it to be one of the shorter videos since I'd rather not just name off everything in the game and the story is only background, but there's a possibility it might be delayed from past week into next. TL;DR is some idiots in California had a gender reveal party with explosives that ignited a wildfire currently ravaging the area, and a family farm burned down. Luckily no one and no animals were hurt since everything was evacuated, but it does suck sentimentally since some of my first memories were from visiting there. Extra ironic since I never actually lived in California. Still this is causing a lot of family drama and worry as you'd expect so I might end up busy trying to manage that, but I don't see a scenario where the video isn't coming out in September. Trying not to jinx it.

As always thanks for you support! I'll do what I can to try and get past the delay. 



Good luck, family drama is the worst. A friend of a friend of mine got covid and it resulted in 2 hours of nervous calls from family members, so I get it lol

Jojo Evans

Appreciate your communication as always, take care and be healthy.


Hope everything goes alright Mando, stay safe.


Sending best wishes mate, family drama can suck. Hope everything gets sorted 😊👍


Know how you feel, had to evacuate my grandparents from that exact fire. A gender reveal party of all things. Hope everything is going well with the farm and family

Seed of Power

It's all good. I hope it all sorts out.