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This will be a short one.

The Metro video is done! On my end anyways since it was a ten minute segment out of a video I believe is around an hour long. There will be a lot more to talk about with that project when the guy making the full video on it is made public this week. I have a feeling it'll be making some waves.

With that done, I'm now focused completely on getting the regular video out on Overlord. It'll likely be out next week, but I'm taking credit questions now just in case. Regardless of that there's going to be a bigger post this upcoming weekend talking about the status of the other ongoing projects along with some of the background stuff that happened during the Metro video since I don't want to reveal too much now and upstage the other editor.

Thanks for all your help!




Question: “I have noticed, that sometimes you leave comments on GDC videos. Are you looking forward for any particular talk at this year’s GDC and do you have an all-time favorite?”


Droods review when?

Dizzy Li Wizzy

Hey Mandalore! Love your videos and binged them all again recently. I was once again reminded of your The Witness video (a masterpiece) and was wondering...got anything planned this year for Apr 1? :p


Have you considered any video distribution methods other than YouTube, for the day they inevitably decide that all video game footage is copyright violation per se?


You know I see a lot of good questions and I'm not sure that I can add much but let's try. Mandalore, I notice that as of late you've been playing through titles which, if they're not great, at least have some redeeming qualities. Do you think you'd be willing to review another complete flop?


Do you listen to music at all while editing or recording? If you do, what are some recommendations?


I'll ask it again in case it was missed last time; You're stuck on an island with everybody from YouTube Rewind, and it's a battle Royale situation. What other YouTuber (from across all of YouTube) would you bring along as a teammate?