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I'm now 99% done moving. The only things that I'm waiting on are the desk and chair for the office which arrive on Monday and Wednesday respectively. I thought the desk from IKEA would be here sooner, but it turns out Sweden has been going through some wildfires which slowed things down. I've finished the main work for sound treating the room, so I'll show how some of that has gone over.

The windows now have a nice blackout curtain over them. I'm actually waiting on a second unit since I thought the one they included would be split into two like others I got from them, but this ended up being a single with three curtain hooks at the top meaning that it actually can't be moved away from the windows to one side yet without getting stuck. Still, for the time being this dampens sound perfectly since a giant glass surface causes some nasty echoes. 

Bass traps were a possibility for the corners, but foam absorbers ended up being both a more economic solution and one that wouldn't be as harsh on the walls since I could get them up using some simple T-Pins and hammering. Most echo is in the corners of rooms, so these are all taken care of now. It's not going to be a studio quality of reduction, but it's still great and a huge improvement to what sounded like a gym before.

The front wall needed the most heavy treatment since that's where my voice would be getting hurled towards, and the wall of foam did the trick nicely. I did the measurements so that they're lined up slightly above where the desk will be. Even now the echo in the room is almost completely gone with what work I've done.

I've still got a good pile of spare pieces left over, including some of the cheaper lower quality foam from the old place. Once the desk is in I can do sound tests at the desk to find out what problem areas are left and these should be able to finish it up. Next week I'll have the before and after recordings of sound so you can see how harsh it was before putting some labor in.

This is the last of the moving updates since the move is essentially over. Next week I'll show the completed office along with moving ahead with video projects and getting back into the swing of things. As I mentioned before August benefactors will have their credits combined with September's due to having nearly no content in August with the exception of the Gothic video.

Thanks for sticking with me! I'm glad it's over. 




I have a suggestion for a video the lost planet series