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We can't copy the key on mobile qwq


You have to do it manually since only part of it is the whole link


Sorry about that. I think I know which site you're talking about, though I believe there are several similar ones. If it's the one I have in mind, I'm surprised you didn't know about it before: for creators it's just a matter of time until things appear there. I've always wondered myself if I would take extra preventive measures as well, or simply let things as they are. Don't hesitate on checking that website yourself to see if your extra security step is working as intended. Though if you really want to protect your work, you could try to send the link through private message to your audience with (you can message everyone within a tier through your "audience" tab). Otherwise, some artists create a discord server with private channels, tied to their patreon tiers, where they upload the art. Best of luck!


Well, the last thing I want to do is make things awkward for my legit customers. Will trouble shoot some ideas like emailing the full key to customers instead. I will give it to you personally for now until the test is done!


Yes, this is my first time encountering this method, as I don't go looking for stolen art myself! (My ignorance was bliss). The large scale Email system may be the way to go though. The only thing putting me off that one is newcomers who miss the original sending. I'd need to ensure that they all get a copy as soon as possible, but otherwise it's sound.


I don't know how these sites work, but I would guess it's manually done. In that case also a private message system wouldn't work. But maybe it's automatic, I'm not that tech save.


Dang, now that you mention about new customers, I realize they wouldn't have access to the rest of your patreon gallery if you share your art through private messages only... The problem is the website I think it is uploads all patreon posts and comments, so it's likely to put online the post with the keys as well. Maybe having a private discord tied to your tiers would be the way to go, but I understand it's a hassle creating one. Another thing you could do is keep your art elsewhere online (mega, google drive, whatever), and only send the key by private message, that way it would be harder to hack. The main downside I see is that newcomers would need to contact you directly to get the key, and you would need to change it from time to time to avoid having your art shared elsewhere.


This is what I'm trying to deduce. If I get some answers, then I can at least take a step to make things less problematic.