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Here are the parts in boxes pre build for those who like this sort of thing.

The build itself went off without a hitch and everything is working apart from a couple of minor conflicting software issues (Slightly harder to figure out issues on Windows 11 which FYI is indistinguishable from 10 other then some really odd functionality and layout choices)!

Post build pics:

Ive since got rid of the gerish rainbow colours for a uniform orange hue ^^

No more crashes during art to worry about with new versions of Photoshop and SAI to go with it at long last.
I can finally get back to work on art, music and video editing (perhaps some gaming) without it sounding like a jet engine to!

Old specs can be seen here https://www.patreon.com/posts/some-art-and-pc-86456718



Very nice build! It should treat you really nice for the next coming years!


If my last potato of a machine got me through the last 7 years then I expect this to go further with its future proofing upgradable nature. Thanks taking a peek.


Hold up bro you gotta tell us the PC case!


It's a Fractal one! Very good management and customizability inside to! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IodspyWPTU8