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Alternative to https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53285410/?upload-successful as requested by my Patreon!



Jayden Maurice

Hoohhh my gawd, this is amazing. I’m a simple boi. When I see “dirty alt,” I click.


It's certainly a sight to behold! Nothing wrong with being a simple boi!


If you see him, run. Trust me.


The clean version is on FA


He did a totally sick job on this guy. There's more pictures of him in his gallery but now we really get to see those paws.


I was thinking he walks the city and finds victims for fun. Those bare rhino paws get dirty after walking bare pawed on those streets for victims. They're so sturdy rugged and large he doesn't mind walking the city bare pawed. Heavy too with a big sturdy frame and good luck stopping him. He gets what he wants with his toys. The urban paws of a giant.


Maybe you're the last victim here for now. Gonna get crushed. Don't ask what he did to the other ones. He's been busy. You get crushed soon enough.