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So I want to show off some more planning stages and pencil stuff because apparently people find that interesting!
Heres a few small examples from more recent submissions.

These are the original scans for Row of Toes. I settled on the Golden Labrador to be the main victim as his colour pallet is way brighter then everyone around him meaning he will be more likely to pop off the page!
I did consider a Rhino for one of the slots but when I lined things up they would be too big and obscure too many other details... the one that got away... for now!

Made this dragon real quick for a friend. He has glasses IRL so i wanted to see how they would look on this depiction.

Another real quick design I thought would be worth sharing!

Will add more WIPs in the future.

I recently plugged this Patreon on FA but I get the feeling that free art isnt grabbing people so hopefully more side content here will make what I offer more appealing!

Id love to hear suggestions from you lot what the best way to promote myself might be?

Thanks again everyone ^^



do love looking at your paw sketches, great detail in posing too ~