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Hello Everyone.
Big announcement to make regarding gift art and how my Patreon will work going forward.

With some recent Journals and posts Ive made, it has been highlighted to me by fans and other artists that I should adopt the pay wall system and make art exclusive to you all thus making this page more worth your money.
While this goes against what I wanted as a free content creator, I cant argue with the numbers shown to me from other artists who do things the traditional way.

(In some cases fans just find what I offer confusing so they avoid it all together)!

Gift art will still be a perk to everyone who is a Patreon of mine at this moment in time and I shall break down the lists of those for future gifts that this applies to to ensure that everyone of you gets at least one of my gift offers for being an early adopter.

1st list:

Raldy Blyzer

2nd list:

Kyle Dragon

All of you will get the free line-art gifts exactly the same as what's been offered to https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9847367

This means there will have been 9 full seasons of free gift line-art in total by the time I'm done ^^

Very soon things here will function just like every other artists Patreon with exclusive content just for people here with the occasional free submissions to FA to keep me in the loop.

I understand if my new approach upsets people who came on board looking to support my goal of making art free for everyone and I do apologise for doing a U turn on that.

I'm sorry and I genuinely thought that I could make a difference by setting a good example for how things should work. It didn't change anything in the end though so rather then fight it, I'm joining the trend.
I shall update my pages appropriately to reflect this change going forward.


Jayden Maurice

It's totally understandable, my friend. It's very hard to get noticed in the art industry, and producing art for free can make people take it for granted. In a world where we're all trying to make ends meet, we as people sometimes have to focus on income to keep ourselves afloat. Don't feel bad! Your initial goal was admirable, and you kept it going for a long time, so give yourself some credit for that. Things change, and that's okay. ^w^


I perfectly understand your point of view Footpaw, change things in the way you refused to goes at forst is not easy but you have the kindness to warning us all and we appreciate ^^. No worry on my side, I already support lot of artust on patreon and I'll not let you fall even if you adopt the trasitional patreon-money/reward way. First I support you not for got rewards or anything, I support you cause I want to help you and this intend will never change as long I'm able to help you here ^^. Wish you good luck with the futur and hope things will turn good for you and your art here !


At least I can say I honestly tried my best to make things better for everyone. But thanks for the reassurance. Hopefully it works out and I can produce plenty of new exclusive material for you to enjoy still.


And trust me when I say this. I really do appreciate the kindness you have shown over the years. I will figure out a reasonable tier list that allows for some appropriately worth while content. Just got to make the content first lol. Up coming gift art will still be publicly viewable while it lasts unless people choose to keep it private.


What does that mean for me? I was there at the start. And I have no trouble paying for your stuff. Can I still get you to draw? I want you to share it with all too, no matter what I pay.


This is absolutely okay thing to do and no one should be mad at you for doing this. You did your best and you can proudly wear that achievement. I feel like furries here won't mind at all, it might upset some who are not on patreon, but it is still your decision to make and i think this decision will help you. As for me, i joined patreon to give my money to artist that deserve it and I'm not expecting anything as a return, so if I get something i see it as a plus, not a requirement (for some i don't even use the rewards XD). If the artist can do what they love for living thanks to me, that is big enough reward. We all could use such help, but only the best get it.


Well I'm drawing for you in this very gift batch you're one of the few lucky ones to get 2 in total because you have been with me from the start. What it means after this is that you'll be getting about 70% of my art exclusively here in the future. Its rare that I draw for others but there will be opportunity's to get more works from me like YCH and such but its a little too soon to say how that will go. For all I know I'm making a huge mistake and this whole thing will be a complete flop! got to try it first though.


Well all this time Ive been working 2 jobs on top of drawing so in a dream come true scenario I would be able to kick one of those jobs to the side and focus entirely on art for a much greater output rate! I wont assume this will happen but its something to potentially aim for as working so much is the reason my submissions are so sparse to begin with. All I can hope is that regardless, my unique blend of style and ideas are enough to keep people interested.