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Got some scraps to share.
This first one was a very old collaboration with Spirit Raptor who has since become a HUGE artist.
Kind of honoured to have had the chance to work along side him for this silly little doodle!

Believe it or not, I played DnD a couple of times. Its not really for me but I'm glad I know how the game works now (Ive not got the imagination or patients required for that game).
In one campaign I was playing as a peacock wizard and decided to do a doodle of a scene where I blasted a foe away and got a bear to bow before my characters feet!

Almost certainly inspired by Kung Fu Panda 2 (one of the greatest movies ever)!

I have a proper new picture due out this Friday so look forward to that as its been a little while. Had a lot to deal with in the last month.

Dont forget to check my last post to see if your on my most recent gift list.
Work for that shall be starting mid April once I finish another art project I'm working on.

Cant wait to hear back!



That peacock wizard looks sick. Do you have any funny moments that happened to you or your mates? Sharing the stories is always the best.


Im sure there were lots but it was so long ago now that its hard to recall. Ive been on the receiving end of other peoples DnD stories and its not something Im personally into. But thanks for the compliment about the Peacock. I will share more DnD doodles in the future

Scribe of Bahamut

That Peacock Wizard is so cool!! Would like to see more of him! Excited to see what you have coming!!