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Direct link to YouTube: https://youtu.be/53abN9rh6lQ (In case Patreon is being silly.)

More sound effects! Plenty of sound effects, actually.

They still lack some polish, but I think this is the vast majority of sound effects I need—getting here was a whole bunch of work, but I think it's been paying off!

A quick overview of all the different SFX I have, now:

  • Car Hit
  • Car Squeeze/Step
  • Building Damage
  • Building Collapse
  • Tree Ambient and Rustling
  • Tree Hit/Destruction
  • Footsteps
  • Wind
  • Electric Whir
  • Clothes (i.e. when walking or kicking)
  • Swooshs (for swings, when attacking)
  • Eating and Swallowing
  • Metal, Wood and Stone Impacts (i.e. for debris)
  • ...

Even if they're not all perfect (and there's still some technical issues that need fixing) I feel a lot better, having all of these in the game, finally—I've been worrying about sound effects for a while, now, and while things didn't go according to plan (and have been taking much longer than I hoped), everything still seems to be coming together nicely, in the end!

Whoops, Dead SSD

Bit of an annoying anecdote: Last week I took an involuntary 3-day break from working on the game, because my SSD decided to fail. Luckily, I could still restore all of the data, and replacing the drive didn't take too much time.

But rest assured: Even if my entire PC had exploded, the game would have survived! I'm using online back-ups for my game projects, so I wasn't worried about losing a lot of gamedev work, at all.

Thanks for your Support!

Can't wait to finish the SFX topic and move on, to other release-relevant things. Hopefully things will move a bit more quickly, once I'm done messing with sounds; I'll keep you updated!


Patreon Update #36

Patreon: https://patreon.com/darelooks Twitter: https://twitter.com/DareLooks


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