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A post exclusive to Unity Capsule members! Those are rare—apologies for that!

I've found it really difficult to prepare extra content, on top of any work that goes into the game, anyway. But here are some simple goodies and extra insights, at last!


Thought I'd share some of the current versions of the SFX I have created for the game!

These sound effects were designed in FMOD, which is a system to author and playback dynamic real-time, parametrized audio... Which means I had to record them from FMOD to static sound files, because you can't simply export to WAV format—hopefully the sound quality has stayed roughly the same!

Maybe you'll find these useful, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you might have to add some sound to a scene of a giant fox stepping on a car.


I'm currently setting up the Steam shop page for the game, which means I had to provide a bunch of high-quality screenshots.

So I bundled 10 of the high-res, uncompressed screenshots into a ZIP file for you to download!

Not entirely sure they are "wallpaper material", but I think they're still pretty to look at.

Steam Shop Page Preview

As mentioned above, I'm working on the Steam shop page for the game: Here's a quick preview, of what it's going to look like! (Note: Please ignore the suggested release date. It won't be visible on the public page and is not set in stone—I just had to enter something.)

Some details are still subject to change, of course, since I hope to still add a few more features, i.e. Photo Mode or a collaborative co-op mode.

The page is currently in review and should be ready to go live in 2~3 days, or so. Then people can already start wishlisting the game, yippie!

Patrons-Only Early Access?

With the SFX in the game and an almost completed Steam setup, I seriously have to start thinking about how I want to organize some kind of patron-only early access... I'll prepare a separate post for this, in the near future, but some of the basic questions are:

  • Who will get access? All tiers, higher tiers, or maybe a new tier? Alternatively, do I instead go by a patron's total money pledged so far—and if yes, what amount?
  • How can people give feedback or report bugs?
  • ...

Right off the bat, I'd probably have the current Unity Capsule tier get a bit of a head-start, and later give Steam keys to Default Cube members, too—if they have supported the project with a total of at least €3.50 (which I figure is roughly going to be the Steam price, anyway.)

For feedback and bug reports, a Discord server could make sense. But I honestly don't know if I could deal with that kind of responsibility, haha. Worst case I'll just kindly ask folks to write me direct messages or replies, right here on Patreon.

Either way, getting a pre-release version of the game out to patrons should not take too much longer, hopefully!

Thanks for your Support!



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