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We watched this episode of Yellowstone on Amazon.

This is a watch along so you do need to bring your own copy of the episode to see it, there is no PIP or show audio. There is a visual cues off the top and a timer to help you sync up.




To return to the discussion about Monica's accident, it doesn't matter how she felt when she regained her consciousness. Her head got hit hard twice in a row and she was unconscious for a couple of minutes. In this case there's only one direction you go and that is to the hospital, period. She was already in the city, so the hospital shouldn't have been that far away from there. The fact that it takes 45 minutes to get to hospital from their home is more reason that she should have gone immediately to the ER. If she feels symptoms at home, it may already be too late and the result is what we saw in the show. All this could have been prevented, if she had been taken to the hospital right after the incident To the scene with the tourists on the pasture, how disrespectful can tourists be? First they ignore the boundaries of private property and then they totally underestimate the behaviour of wild animals. Unbelievable. I want to thank you for posting two episodes per week. It makes the waiting so much easier and is definitely more satisfying than just having one episode per week. You're really in for a ride with this show. 😄 Watching movies or TV shows with is always fun. I really like the humor of both of you and Nikki's sensitivity. Have a nice weekend. 😊

G man

I remember when I was little I climbed a relatively high tree in my street and fell and got a small concussion every time I asked what day it was and where I was, it was crazy. My mother was really worried