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Poll Notes:

  • You can vote for multiple options (only 1 vote per option)
  • New Patrons' votes will not be counted to prevent abuse i.e. joining my patreon, voting, then cancelling pledge (vote still counts in the poll results so I have to manually recount votes after the poll)
  • Poll ends in 2 days

Alright guys, poll is up! I recently started playing other games besides replaying Three Houses and FE:Heroes (the Seiros banner broke my no-gacha rule 😌) and I finally know who Pyra and Mythra are because I started playing their game lol! Kinda late to the party but hey, I'm not really the day-one player (FE3H and ACNH are the only recent exception) 

Anyway that's all for now, I think I'll finish my Wiz piece tomorrow or the day after and I'll talk about something I've been planning/working on.

Cheers and thanks for all the suggestions!



YOOO, KARIN ASAKA?! Please toss a vote for the best Love Live girl!