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Before anything else, I just want to remind everyone that I have sent the rewards link for January a week ago. If you haven't received a message and you have paid for that cycle (i.e. you were charged around February 1), please let me know!

It took me so long to post this because I really wanted to accompany the post with a drawing. I went with Rhea because I really wanted to draw something from the back and Rhea was just the perfect candidate. Butt yeah, you know I've been wondering about how she recovered from Silver Snow after being imprisoned in Enbarr or after the finale of SS, and I keep imagining that she starts doing yoga lmao (or some medieval equivalent to it). And in my headcanon, Byleth marries her after helping her recover from her injuries, obviously there's a bunch of things that happen in between but I'll save that for another time lol.

I'll draw Wiz next since I missed her monthly drawing back in February and I'll put up the Poll later! Thanks again for all your support. Cheers!




God I will never get enough of your Rhea drawings <3 Really love these modern workout outfits you've given her, this back view is just gorgeous! Her thighs are always glorious butt that booty is simply divine! Then that cute face and warming expression shows that sweet mommy energy we all love <3 *ahem* Anyway, will there be a nude variant of this? I love the sexy outfits you draw (prefer them most of the time honestly) but I'd love to see those cheeks in all their glory! Looking forward to the rest of your work as always :)


Yo. Dude....Spoilers. Just saying.


So gorgeous, and I love the wholesome headcanon you have of her! 🥰


Games been out almost for 2 years, he's fine 😆


That's a great headcanon! And I love the sporty outfits you draw her in. Oh, and great ass.


I mean, everything about Rhea is divine ^^ And yup this will have a nude version :D