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Conditions of Existence.mov



Another reason I love this show so much is because of the LGBT representation. It's so well done in that it's just there. Like Felix is just gay and his own person. It doesn't feel like the writers were trying to force it in for the sake of appealing to a certain demographic. As a non-binary asexual with lots of other LGBT friends, I really appreciate that. Also, "THEY!" "sorry", so adorable! ^.^ Your whole reaction at the end was priceless and very funny. Never be sorry about that.


Hmm. So the first 4 episodes were packed with action, violence, and suspense. Suddenly, here, the show slows down for a whole bunch of two-way espionage. This is the fun stuff I notice when I'm watching it through your eyes.


Van, you mentioned being confused. This is Orphan Black. If you were NOT confused, there would be something very, very wrong with you.