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AKA The Sandwich Saved Me.mov



I really like how they showed Jessica before Kilgrave and after. She seemed so much more open and joyful within the same basic personality...You said it’s crazy that was just 6 months ago. It really shows how much change abuse/trauma can cause so quickly. Trish’s enthusiasm for Jessica being a superhero is quite amusing. Outside the trauma theme, every recurring character has a complicated relationship with power/powerlessness. On the active side seeking power in different ways or being afraid to use their power for many reasons, or careless and even cruel about how they use it on others. On the other side lacking power and feeling helpless and how to make sense of that and deal with that. From the main characters like Jessica Jones, Trish, Kilgrave to recurring characters like Will(cop), Malcolm, Ruben, and Hogarth their power or their sense of lacking power is so central to their motivations and their "place" in society. I just love how important themes of power are to every character and most of the story lines, it shows how the writers really thought through the implications of the story in depth. You were so into the kidnaping scene… These reactions have been fantastic!


Jessica should have cut out Killgrave's tongue while he was unconscious, instead of just punching him?