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... Someone Like Me as a Member + Chidi's Choice.mov


Victor L.

"What is even the purpose of a Janet who behaves in such a manner??"


Loved that. Tahani was so mortified. "And his name is… Shawn?" Perfect delivery. This was Jameela Jamil’s first acting gig, and she gets better and better. Plus, I keep warming up to Tahani, and these were two great episodes for her.


The title is taken from a Groucho Marx quote: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept someone like me as one of its members,” which applied to Eleanor when she was alive, but she's changed now. Trevor went from being a sometimes hilarious parody of a gross dudebro (“Who are they going to believe? Me or *a woman*?”) to pure evil with his pitch to Eleanor: “Sure, we’ll torture you, and it will suck, but you suck, and you know you belong there because it’s what you deserve.” Straight from the abusive handbook of how to control women, but it’s also how Eleanor viewed herself IRL, and why she put up walls and ostracized herself. Eleanor keeps talking about a medium place, but Earth is a medium place, and Eleanor wasn’t happy there. I was very proud of Eleanor in these two episodes.