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Jl017 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jl017/ created sounds for my latest animation and wanted feedback so I thought I could ask you all what you think of them, I'll forward any feedback to him.

Animation here: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=4ac2190ee09eefa3&id=4AC2190EE09EEFA3%216720&authkey=%21AKQlthyfpv9oZtI

Don't take this as indication that all my future work will now have sounds, Jl017 just decided do them on their own accord.



It can be really cool to have sounds on your animations ^^ For the JIO17 work, it's a good idea. But maybe the grunt and others "animal" sound are too loud... For me, sounds make me think about a combat scene more than a sex scene ^^ But it's really cool to give a try and add sound on Dzät's work ;)


Grunts and roars of sexual pleasure are a big weakness of mines. However, I do agree that the ones here a bit loud. JIO17 did a great job! I'd love to see more of your animations with sound. But that is your choice of course!


It’s not bad, but the sounds are so much of the same thing that they make the reactions seem watered down. Also, I don’t know if the dragon is supposed to be based on Adine, or is Adine herself, but the actual Adine can, well, talk (and wait on tables, and deliver packages). I’d expect her noises to be in her voice. Which could be incredibly alluring.

Christian Ne0L1nk

hahah, that's kinda cool, it might be loud, but I mean, that is actually realistic xD if such creatures would fuck around, of course they would make much noise and grunts and what ever. I am totally fine with no sound, because so I can make the sounds in my own head after all, lel


I think that red boy should of had a more quiet voice then adine as he is half the size of adine, little to much bass for red boy adine att times seems like there audio was slowed down making it sound weird and not very dragon sounding like. they both need an audio Adjustment of how loud they are.it sounded like some one put the mic in there throats. how ever disregarding all that and id say it sounded ok just neededs some more syncing with some of the sounds,a way to audibly differentiate each character ie smaller character not sounding as loud as some character bigger then it and i would of love to of hear the sound of fluids being unloaded into the other but there is only so much one can do


I felt the sounds were a little bestial to the point of distracting. They were loud and I could not really tell which was making the current sounds without watching their mouths. I felt like the snake would make quieter hissing sounds as well. I do not mean to only criticize, and that probably took some time and work to do, but I feel that the sound took away from the scene instead of adding.

Gabriel Cannizzo

Some quiet hiss and some very low growl would do, a very small bit louder at end for cum but that's all, it's a bit too loud on the whole things, i almost didnt hear the sexual sound in it xD


Well all in all I wouldn´t say the sound is bad. The sexual sounds are actually nice. Unfortunately you can´t hear them :-/. For me I actually don´t like the sound in it. I personally think there is a difference between beast porn and furry porn. The sound in hear is really to loud and extreme; leading to the point that it´s dominates the animation instead of supporting it. My personel problem is I think every charakter needs their own individual mated voices. And here is the problem. I actually cant say that their are many actors which are on that level because its really hard the only actor i really now is Crittermatic. But yeah I think sound is a thing were are you can look if you get fine with our programm and charakter models. I´m fine with no sound so far :)


I for one, Really like what they did. I'd Probably tone down the volume a bit, in the beginning, like many others have said, but I think the volume was realistic for the climax.


For me, adding more breaths wouod add to the effect to. Have a just the attack down as well. Considering your animation style starts slow until it's basically hanmertime. So building that crescendo would really make this scene pop. Wish I had the tools to add audio. Love a good porn with great sound design. If I'm being honest. It is a little to growly. You don't want to overpower the audio over much. Only add to the experience. Less would be more in the case. Because most porn os very tactile. Visually and auxiliary.


Well yeah i think less is more. I think there have to be more brething sounds and sex sounds which support the animation not dominating it.