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I was trying some different ideas and poses and this is the one I will probably go with.

Also decided to switch from regular 3d render engines to ue4 for rendering and there are few reasons for that:

-Render times, even that previous animation which had nothing but a plain background took more than a minute/frame and with environment assets could take 4 min/frame. There are also a bunch of different techniques like translucency and volumes which I never used before because of render times.

-Access to megascans library which is free for ue4 use, it is a massive library of assets scanned from real life objects so they look great and save a ton of time.

-Any kind of post processing work is much more pleasant and faster.

There are also drawbacks.

-It's a real-time engine so quality is obviously not quite as good, though ue4 is still pretty damn good for rendering.

-Displacement maps don't really work on characters, what they do is add more detail on the character surface without having to model it by hand. Rale especially was quite reliant on these.

Both of these characters have multiple things about them that I don't like and now when combined with not being able to use displacement maps on them I may just retire both of them after the next animation. 

The character I'm working on at the moment is one I was planning to create without displacements anyways since they can be a real pain in the ass during fluid simulations and since it will have rig similar to Keie I may just bring that female lizard back for the animation after this one.

I also really need to stop making wings that connect all the way to the hips/tail, they constantly get in the way and really limit what poses I can do.

Switching to ue4 didn't delay me that much, I did a lot of work with it before I started doing furry stuff and even rendered my first few animations with it. I hadn't used it for few years and some stuff has changed but it does feel pretty good to use it again.



Gabriel Cannizzo

Oh my, that's a very nice pose~ All about things is that ue4 is sure good since it's one of the best for animation actually, no wonder why a lot of game actually use it (tho i think the main use was for it) And so about character stuff, i do always wonder why you actually make character with wings, it sure look beautiful and all but if it's limit position and such, i think you could maybe think about special designed character that you could put or remove wings actually ? that maybe sound odd but it really depend of how specific you want it to be, idk if you plan to mostly only semi feral character or just full feral, but did you though about maybe doing a more anthro l ooking like character with still feral feature, like if it stand on 2, the body would actually look like more anthro by adaptation as if it go on 4 it would just look like a classic feral. Adding to all those point, some question pop in my mind, do you only plan male character with slit or will you try one day an actual male with balls and all, ofc it would require a less very "lizard" shaped to make it work tho. The good point of having more anthro character like Keie or Synth is that they allow more complex cuddle position and behind able to switch position without wings and such on the way, its also good for more contact with hands and potentially foreplay~ To conclude all that, i'm impatient and look forward to what you'll do in future~ <3 <3

Christian Ne0L1nk

uuu so shiny, so noice :3 and nice pose too, hehe~ and I am out with that tech stuff, me too silly for that, haha xD I just enjoy the great stuff o3o


Well yeah im also out with the tech stuff. Dropping Rale sound really sad for me; I really got used to that modell. Furthermore idk I really like your winged dragons and for me it was one of your mark signs; Adine Skäir Rale and so on. I also thing there are already many option for foreplay with winged dragons like 69 stuff a using their tail or so on. Its also posible to match up a dragon with a lizard in a animation so you got already flexility in it. Charakcers with mobile wings sounds really weird for me. I really like more nature based models. That the reason why im not a fan of Utor it goes to robotic like. In the end revieving Keie sound rly nice for me. It is my favourite model and a got match up with the new lizard. I hope you will already go for a winged dragon model or keep one off your winged models. A raptor model also would be an idea


Last but not least I rly liked your last animation. The new one definetely will be your best for me. Nice new background and the lights are aweeeesome


i actually really like kaia a lot a lot kinda have a crush on that lizard i think about her a lot. i didn't think she was retired would be sad to never be able see them move again same for snake boy. as for rale i actually really do like them as well there like a topical delight that you don't see a lot of. refreshing is the word id use for her. I like the way you do your wings currently more natural-looking and all that could always switch to something else scaled or dino like -raptors- to take the edge off. as for retiring characters i know this isn't your focus right now but id like to say if you do actually plan on not using some of your characters for a time you could put some of them on gumroad for a price i know id be a customer at least for some of the models you don't plan on using any time soon. i like your creativity always making some knew scaled character i haven't seen be for