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"It's so realistic!" The man said as he examined your inanimate form. "Thank you, I make them myself," the shopowner stated as he tweaked your nipple. "I'll take her!" your perspective buyer exclaimed as he lifted the doll over his shoulder, unaware of the mind within the sex doll he just purchased. The shopowner gave you a knowing smirk as the door closed between you.

Weeks ago, your friend went missing leaving you to investigate. Your hunch led you to a newly opened sex shop your friend visited on the day he vanished and upon entering, you felt a powerful and unwelcoming energy in the store. The creepy proprietor came out to meet you and you told him about your friend. "Come check the cameras with me and we can see if and when he was here," he said in a chilling tone. You wanted to refuse but this was your best and only lead, so, reluctantly you followed him to the back.

Entering the employee-only doors, you were shocked to see dozens of sex dolls in various stages of production scattered about the workshop along with a large bubbling vat. The retailer disappeared into an office as you began to explore his wares. One of the dolls struck your eye as peculiar, and then it hit you, it had your friend's face, only more feminine. You turned to leave and ran directly into the man. "I could always do with more stock," he cackled and jabbed your neck with a syringe. A cooling sensation took over your body and you collapsed before everything went black.

You awoke to the sound of churning liquid to see you were next to the vat. You tried to move only to be unable to as a result of the restraints around your body, adhering you to the table. A large mirror hung above you, showing your entire body on the table. You gasped with horror to see stuff attached to you like the foam breasts on your chest or the pads on the sides of your hips and ass giving your silhouette a feminine appearance. The table shifted with a jolt and began to tip. You screamed as you were dropped into the tank of bubbling rubber, feeling it cover every inch of you.

You could feel the liquid consume your body, shaping it. The foam on your chest becoming part of you as well as the pads on your hips and ass. The molten plastic didn't stop with just coating you. You felt it enter all of your holes and change your body into more of itself. A strange sensation of pleasure enveloped you as your brain turned to rubber along with the rest of your innards. After what felt like an eternity, you felt your form lifted out from the basin and placed back on the table.

Despite not having eyes, you could somehow see the mirror again and were shocked to see the form of a naked, faceless woman lying on the table. "You'll be my best one yet," the man said as he reappeared in your sight. He sat you up and began to run over your face with brushes and paint, creating eyes and coloring your nipples and newfound genitals pink. He placed a purple wig atop your head with a copious amount of glue. He eventually finished and left again, leaving you to look at the mirror and the woman you had become.

After a while, he picked you up and sat you in his store window which a man bought you from before the end of the day for a large sum. After all, you were just a commodity now. He got home and laid you on his bed before removing his own clothes. Mounting you, he began to thrust his cock into your silicone vagina. Despite no longer being organic, you could feel him fill your insides with his shaft and mentally shuddered when he grasped your large breasts. After a while, you felt him cum inside you before collapsing on top of you, making out with your attractive face. "I'm going to have to try this hole next," your new owner said as he drifted off to sleep, embracing his brand-new sex doll.


Picture by yaruka (https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7049866)



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