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It was complete! You finally finished your prototype for your regenerative serum! Now all you needed was to test it, and you knew the perfect subject, yourself. Just a single glob was enough to make to invincible and allow you to ascend to godhood. Without hesitation, you extracted a drop with your pipette and released it into your open mouth.

You felt it course through you, changing your very being, empowering you, that is until your hand fell off. It splattered onto the ground with a splash of blue goo leaving a puddle. You stared at it in disbelief until more of you began to leave your body, filling your ears with plashing, or it would've had they not fallen off as well. Your legs stopped being able to support your weight and buckled beneath you, sending your torso and head to join the growing pool at your feet, leaving the room devoid of any sign of you besides a pond of viscous, blue ooze.

The sludge began to move soon enough as your mind forced it to take form. Bit by bit, you reformed a body until you were left with a human-like shape with... breasts? Why did you have breasts? And why was your crotch flat? You focus harder on your old male self but are unable to change your form to that of a man. You do find however that you can change any of your female proportions without hassle.

After the initial shock finally subsides, you began to explore your new powers and body. Changing bust or rear size, swapping hairstyles, and even turning your hand into a phallic shape to use on yourself. As you are making use of your hand, your coworker walked in, dropping his papers along with his jaw upon seeing you. "I can explain!" you shout in a melodious voice as your eyes travel down from his face before something in your consciousness snaps, revealing a sudden hunger to spread the joy of being a cute slime girl, and you lunge at him.


Picture by cursscurss



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