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"Can you do me a favor?" someone asked you from being. You turn around to see a cute, busty girl in nothing besides a white underwear set. You strain your neck muscles trying to keep eye contact. "Um... sure," you say trying your hardest to play it cool. "Thanks, I was so afraid I wouldn't have an outfit for tonight!" She smiled before some light consumed your body.

You felt your body begin to change rapidly. Your head collapsed into your neck as your arms wrapped around your back and thinned out. Enormous breasts erupted from your chest before they themselves began to hollow out, leaving your entire upper body as a black, frilly top that might as well have been underwear with how little it would leave to the imagination.

Your legs shifted blue and became scratchy as your very flesh converted to denim. They began to hollow out, leading to them collapsing onto your feet that were too changing. The heel of your feet stretched a bit before the top opened up leaving a pair of black shoes. The light faded and all that was left of you was a cute, revealing outfit for the stranger to wear.

She slid you on, letting her warm body fill your insides. You cupped her soft breasts and supported her perky ass. She squatted until you thought you were going to tear before she stood back up. "Wow, you're stretchier than other people, I can tell you're going to last a while!" was the last thing she said to you before walking to the party.

You wanted to scream to be freed but without any way of communication, everyone thought you were just an outfit. The commotion of the party on the outside and the supple flesh of the woman wearing you on the inside left you in a strange trance which was interrupted when she drank too much. Soon her mouth was interlocked with another man who was feeling her up. You could feel his hand caress your fabric containing her body leaving your mind reeling before it ended too soon as she removed you and tossed you to the floor like the clothes you are.


Picture by シラジュン (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116387191)



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