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Moving was almost always stressful but immigrating to a country that didn't speak your native language even more so. But when you were offered to teach English in Japan, you were interested, especially when you saw the benefits and pay. Seeing as you had nothing tying you down to your home you packed up and left.

Your excruciatingly long flight left you exhausted and jet-lagged but you still had the duty to check in with the college and inform them of your arrival. They seemed a bit surprised to see you as if you weren't what they were expecting. You signed the paperwork, only half paying attention to the rapid Japanese spoken to you, and left for your apartment. You lay down and almost immediately fell asleep in an attempt to get some rest before starting your lessons the next day.

You awoke early and got ready, dressing in one of the various collared shirts and slacks you brought with you. You arrived ahead of schedule and decided to check out the facilities of the school. Upon entering the teacher's lounge, you found a bottle with a sticky note that stated "新しい先生" or "new teacher." Assuming it was a gift, you unscrewed the cap and took a swig. The drink was a startlingly sweet strawberry which you found quite enjoyable.

You resealed the bottle and walked to your classroom, completely unaware of your lengthening blonde hair. You sat at your desk and decided to do a bit of paperwork before the students arrived. You continued to sip from the drink as you worked, unaware of the budding breasts and the cushion forming on your ass.

The bustling in the corridor signified to you that the students arrived and class was about to start. You took another swig of the soda, ignorant of the widening of your eyes and lips. They took their seats and you introduced yourself before beginning the first lesson on the Latin alphabet. You wrote your name in English, subconsciously putting Ms. in front instead of Mr. You passed out a few worksheets, unaware of most of the male students glancing at your butt and hips that your pants struggled to contain.

You returned to your desk, took another taste of the drink, and continued working on your laptop. You readjusted your bra to better support your large breasts that pulled your shirt taut. A breeze blew through the lecture hall causing you to readjust your plaid skirt and black stockings. You let out a high-pitched gasp when your timer went off to dismiss class.

You stood by the door, bowing to your leaving pupils when two of your more... fit students asked to talk to you. You obliged and they asked if there was anything they could do for extra credit. You noticed their bulges and your mouth started to water a little. You walked back to the door, making sure to sway your expanded hips, before locking it when the last student exited.

You turned back towards the both of them, excited to see they understood your hints. They dropped their pants to reveal a pair of erect cocks, ready to be used. You bent over and wrapped your large lips around one of their hard shafts. You yelped in surprise when the other guy entered your behind but soon began to bob in a rhythm with them as they spit-roasted you. You felt two large hands grab your hips and begin to plop your ass against his pelvis while the first man put his hand on your head, making you look him in the eye. Feeling both ends be filled was a joy you never expected to experience but you were definitely not complaining.

They both began to spasm, emptying their loads into your throat and ass. You felt their seed coat your insides which caused you to orgasm as well until the three of you collapsed onto the floor, panting. It took a while before you untangled yourselves from each other and started to redress. You unlocked the door and let them out, making sure they knew that you'd be more than willing to give a sex-ed lesson whenever they wanted.


Picture by yuyu5x



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