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"Don't cry, darling! It was an accident!" Shay's boss told her when she put the mixer too high, causing cake batter to fly all over her and the kitchen. "You don't understand, If he got stained, I can't turn him back!" She said between sobs as she felt her maid dress' mind begin to panic.

This morning, Shay was scared to see that her work uniform was torn to bits by her cat. She ran to her boyfriend and tried to tell him what was wrong in a word salad of alarm. He calmed her down and asked what he could do to help her. He knew she was a witch but when she said that she needed to turn him into a dress for the day, he was taken aback. He never really looked into what her magic was capable of but seeing her, pleading in her eyes, he agreed.

She instantly began her work by chanting an incantation. He looked down to see his arms beginning to turn white before hollowing out, he was afraid but his trust in her calmed him as his body continued to change. The transformation crept up his arms, turning them to satin sleeves before his shoulders crunched inwards to her size. He lost a lot of height until he was at eye level with her. He was surprised when breasts erupted from his chest but then they became hollow as well, leaving a window that showed just how empty his torso was. His hips flared out into a long, lace hemmed skirt and his legs detached from his body into silk stockings. He collapsed onto the couch, a head on top of a pile of clothes, and felt his neck begin to change. His head caved into his neck except for his scalp which became the mob cap.

Shay began to undress until she was standing in only her underwear next to a newly minted outfit. She slowly slid him on, first the stockings, then the dress, and finally the apron. She felt her boyfriend's emotions although she couldn't actually hear him. She was relieved to feel that he was in a pleasure-riddled state from being worn. It almost aroused her seeing him be this excited to be this intimate with her.

She arrived at work and her employer asked her to make a cake for his daughter's upcoming birthday. Shay agreed with trepidation because she forgot to tell her boyfriend that a single stain would seal him in this form. She took extreme care to crack the eggs and assemble the ingredients until she was ready to mix them. She poured them into the beater and plugged it in, unaware that it was set to the highest speed. The second the mixer received electricity, it spewed batter everywhere, coating Shay head to toe with chocolate cake batter.

She instantly broke down and her weeping brought the man back into the room. He began to console her before she explained the entire story of her uniform and that her boyfriend was nothing but a set of clothes forever. He kept assuring Shay until she calmed down and sent her home. Once she entered her house, she immediately pulled her boyfriend from her body and kept apologizing for everything, unable to hear what he was thinking.

She put him through the wash and used various cleaning methods, trying her hardest to remove all the batter but she was still unable to turn him back. She put her head on him and felt his emotions. She was surprised to feel acceptance in him. She decided that even if he was just cloth, she would make sure he was still forever a part of her life.

She ended up wearing him daily and her boss gave her a raise. She ended up starting to enjoy having her love around her at all times. She kept working as hard as she could, clad in her boyfriend and every night she studied magic hard in hopes that maybe one day she would be able to turn him back, but until then, she was just happy to be with him.


Picture by nyorotono



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