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 After losing both of your jobs due to lay-offs, you and your girlfriend were truly lost on what to do to pay the bills. You didn't want to beg but seeing no other option, you went to your rich friend and asked for some help. He went far beyond what you both expected and offered to let you both live in his house and he even offered you a job as his personal assistant and her as his live-in maid. After much deliberation, you both agreed to his terms.

The weekend passed and you woke up early to start your new job. After a great breakfast, your girlfriend cooked for the both of you, you both left to go to his office when he took a turn and entered the bad part of town. He parked in a run-down lot and turned to you from his seat. "Truth is, I don't need an assistant, I have much bigger plans for you." Suddenly, his eyes lit up, covering your body in a weird, almost sticky sensation.

Your eyes went wide as your body began to melt in your seat. You held up your hand and watched it drop from your body, splattering on your lap. A bleach-like smell emanated from your rapidly disintegrating body until all that lay in the passenger seat was a puddle of viscous fluid. Your friend smiled before saying, "I'm glad you decided to bring your girlfriend to me on a silver platter. After all, you know how much I admire her, and now that you're out of the picture I can show her how a man is supposed to support his girl." Another glint from his eyes led to a sucking sensation and you started to flow towards his crotch. You wanted to scream as you were sucked into his cock and forced into his balls. Darkness was all you could make out from within him as he started the car and drove off as if nothing happened.

It was hard to track time when you had no light, had it been hours? Days? Even weeks since you were imprisoned within a pair of testicles? You had no way to tell for sure. You could hear muffled voices every once in a while but could never make out what was said. You had no idea your captor was convincing your girlfriend you were out on a business trip or that he was subtly dissolving your relationship by pretending to be you on your own phone. It wasn't long until she broke up with you over text and started to take an interest in the man who you resided in.

You were shaken from your torpor as heat began to overwhelm you. You felt your cage swinging and impacting with something repeatedly until suction overtook your body, freeing it from its confines. You rushed down the erect cock of your host until you exited, flying through the air and landing on your naked now ex-girlfriend. You felt disgusting as your body hit her in ropes covering her face and tits. The warmth radiating off her skin was enough to send to in your own orgasmic fit.

She giggled as she began to lick you off her body, making sure to do it slowly and sensually to appease the man who betrayed you. She probably would have been utterly terrified had she known the cum that covered her was the man she used to love but that secret would stay buried. Sure she found it a bit strange that her new boyfriend took so much pleasure in watching her lap up his seed but maybe it was just a power kink. You wanted to scream that you were here and that you were double-crossed but to no avail. Unhurriedly, she consumed you drop by drop. You could feel your body drizzling down her warm, wet throat and into her stomach where you would surely not survive. With a final lap, you fell down her esophagus until only darkness remained.


Picture by からかり



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