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The first warm day of the year had finally come and I was more than excited to go to the beach with my friend. Packing a plethora of healthy snacks and blood-pumping activities (beer and cards), we began our trek to the beach and my friend began to set up camp. I wandered off to explore the boardwalk when I came across a new "Swimsuit Autocloset" which promised to fit you with swimwear for only a dollar. I was interested so I decided to give it a try.

My dollar was accepted and I entered the booth and started to scroll through the screen. I found a nice design and selected it only to be hit with a notice saying "Insufficient Material". I went to exit and tell the vendor when I found the door locked. I began to nervously jiggle the knob until I heard a mechanical whir behind me. I turned around just in time to see many metal arms extend from the ceiling and hold me still.

I began to struggle which only resulted in the arms holding me to tighten their grip. Watching with fear, I saw a seam ripper appear and begin to undo the stitching on my clothes as another hand began to spool the threads onto a bobbin. My fear upgraded to horror as the seam ripper began to tear my skin except no blood appeared. Instead, my body began to unravel and get wound onto the reel. I started to scream and bang on the walls but with every second more and more of me turned into string. I collapsed to the floor when my legs ceased to exist. My striking of the wall stopped when my arms disappeared and my screams ended when my torso became more yarn. Slowly, my head unraveled and vanished until the only evidence of me was a few spools of skin colored twine.

I was still able to see despite my eyes being wound around a cylinder and watched as I was dipped into a clear vat. I felt the liquid soak into my every fiber as I became more stretchy and elastic. I was spun around a few more reels and dipped into other liquid until I was a uniform white and ready to be used. That's when I heard the door to the stall slide open and a female voice.

I watched from my suspended position as she scrolled the screen and selected a blue micro-bikini. The machine began to whir again as the arms dropped from the ceiling. It delicately removed her clothing revealing a curvy, attractive body that was hiding behind cloth. I felt my body shift and begin to be dyed again into a vibrant teal. The arms began to stretch and weave me around her curves blasting my mind with arousal as I wrapped around her sex. I felt my entire body get wedged between her plump cheeks as she squealed with delight. Soon half of my thread was woven around her and the machine shifted upwards towards her chest. The sewing resumed and I was stretched by her large breasts. Feeling her mounds fill my body was more pleasure than I thought possible until the straps formed and I was left holding them up. She posed in front of the mirror, showing off my lack of body on her excess of body. She giggled and left the booth more than satisfied.

She began to walk back to the beach causing her body to jiggle within me. If I was able to scream in ecstasy I would've but I was nothing but a bikini on a platinum blonde bombshell. Each step caused me to wedge further into her ass and my constant friction caused her nipples to become erect resulting in increased pleasure for both of you. "Holy shit babe! You look hot!" An equally as attractive woman said to your owner. She was wearing her own tight swimwear in a yellow color which complimented her eyes. You shuddered at the thought that it too could possibly be another human in a similar situation as you.

They both walked hand in hand and sat down next to a familiar-looking man on the beach. You recognized your friend through the haze of your heightened sensitivity and tried to shout for help but seeing as you didn't have a mouth, he didn't notice. A glint of hope rushed over you as he looked directly at you but you soon realized he was just looking through you to the flesh underneath. The two women began to flirt with him and by the end of the night, you were lying on the floor watching your friend enjoy himself, unaware that you were closer than he thought.


Picture by ndgd



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