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Hi guys, just wanted to post a note here about the next chapter. I'm working on it right now and I've already got a good solid ten or so pages done. That's a lot faster than I usually work, so I'm pretty happy with that! I hope that I won't be too late! The last chapter ended up being all Laurie, so I'm going to balance this next one out with a lot more rounded bellies and wide behinds. It will focus a lot on Jen and herlong dark night of the soul as she struggles to define herself without Laurie's constant bossiness -- but also a bit with what Alice and Jen get up to when Laurie's disapproval isn't around as a (relatively) restraining influence on their appetites. I got a little bit tired of writing straight up prose, so I also wanted to try making another game. I had a lot of fun last time and I think that, given the feedback I got, I might be able to do a better job this time around! Well, I'd like to try at least XP I've started a couple but I keep getting stumped. Fat camp was such an obvious premise, but now I'm not sure what other scenerios would be good! I figured I'd post here and ask you guys what you think would make a fun premise for a game. I'll probably make the emphasis more on dialogue and talking to characters this time, so that it will reward you for thinking of new and exciting dialogue topics, cuz some people pointed out the last one was a little limited that way. I guess that would make it like a visual novel, except not visual? Lol a friend actually suggested that I make a visual novel, but I think that might be beyond my capabilities! At least until I find some software-for-dummies that can do that sort of thing. Wow, I ramble a lot X/ Oh well thanks for reading! :)


Rhys Lawson

Honestly, I'd look at writing the game in a concept where you have to smooth-talk a girl into enjoying herself and letting go in a series of 'date-like' scenarios, with her weight increasing under your influence and without having the relationship end - it'd be a challenge, but the scenario would make for a compelling one, since it's possible to destroy the relationship on one end and have her dump you, but also possible to go too far the other way and have her become entirely dependent on you, too. The best way to win in these games is to get the 'good' ending, I feel.


Wonderful that there will be more Alice and Jen soon. I love Laurie, but it's important to keep a balanced diet, right? Mentioning Visual Novels made me think of an Alice VN... we can dream, huh? On a more serious note, how about breaking away from the realism of Alice for a more fantastical setting? A magic academy, or an all-female spaceship mutinying against the captain who keeps all the good food to herself? If you prefer a more realistic setting, perhaps a culinary school, lots of girls training to work in a high end bakery? You could have the options to influence your friends to work hard and make lots of complex treats, or to just pig out and enjoy all the ingredients and free food that's provided. Perhaps even a "dating" element where you can choose who to fatten and get closer too? But of course, having multiple "routes" is a lot more work than the single route Fat Camp had. I'm rambling a lot too, but I hope all the creating goes well!


Thanks, Rhys and Phat94! Those are all good suggestions...I'm not sure how much I can do with the Quest software, but I'll do my best!