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Hey everyone! I wanted to thank you all again for donating to my Patreon. I know that TECHNICALLY you won't have donated until the end of the month, but still! XD It's very exciting! I want to make sure that you all get your money's worth, so I'm putting out a question: What sort of Patreon-exclusive content would you like to see on here? I'm going to try and add some extra donor-only stories on here as well as maybe some more games (if people like that). But is there anything else that you're dying to see here? I can't promise anything, but I will try my best! Post a response here and let me know.


Mike Mike

My votes towards games! I really enjoyed the fat camp game, I think you did an awesome job and I'd love to see more- a continuation or a new game would be equally amazing! Beyond that and more stories, I think you're on a pretty solid path in terms of contributions that make my money feel well spent.


Awesome, thanks for the feedback, Mike! I'm trying tolay the groundwork for another game, so hopefully I will have something soon :)


To be honest, I can't think of anything I'd want more than your writings, in whatever form! I did enjoy your Alice outline though, so maybe some kind of author's footnote where you discuss how you feel about the chapter, and how you created it, might be interesting? And of course, the higher donation options to influence your writing are very tempting!


Oh, that's a good idea! I might try adding some sort of author's notes next time! I don't know that I have too much interesting to say, but it might be fun! :)