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Hey guys! Well, I hoped that Patreon would help me to actually produce writing a little bit faster and I guess it's working :) It's only two months later and I have a little something to show for it...it's better than two years, that's for sure! Anyway, this chapter is a little bit different, since the last one was all Laurie, now I guess it's fun to check back in on Jen! Oh and Alice too, can't forget her XP I hope you enjoy!



Beautiful chapter, done in an unexpectedly quick amount of time! I very much enjoyed Jen's mall trip. She's such a cute chubby ditz. The way she teased that boy was utterly adorable. He must have fallen utterly head over heels for the plump pear of a Goddess, lucky kid. I can only hope Laurie makes up with her friends soon ; ~ ;


Thanks! I still haven't nailed down what's going to happen next, so it's kind of exciting for me XD more Jen and Alice no doubt, since i feel like they've been shortshrifted a bit lately. Also we're getting close to $200 which is also exciting, because it means I might have an excuse to get some illustrations. I think that would be a lot of fun! I'm also working on some other stories at the moment that I hope to publish on Amazon Kindle -- although I'm thinking that I'll also post them here for patrons too.


Illustrations.... I really wish I could spend more money to get that! I can only hope some more people do themselves a favour and support.