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Abida and Frank are helping Laurie to make new video content for her new website, a process that's going to inevitably just add more inches to Laurie's waist and pounds to Laurie's figure. Laurie eats and eats and eats and the audience will love it. Of course, you can't eat a huge meal like that without getting an upset tummy and some bad dreams. Or are they bad? Laurie's dreams take her to the set of the Nikki Lake show, where she's destined to make an impression...

It may surprise you that, when I was younger, the kind of writing that I really wanted to do was horror writing. I love a good scare! Authors like Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe were some of my earliest loves when it came to the written word! But as much as I enjoy the delicious chills of a good scary story, I don't have much aptitude for writing them. Truth is, I'm too squeamish and I can't stand to be mean to my characters XP I've dipped my toes in occasionally with some of my darker stories, but as a general rule I prefer my sex stories a little lighter and fluffier.  But I sometimes think about the close relationship between erotica and horror. After all, isn't any fetish story about a fetish that you don't have actually a horror story? I'm sure that many people unmoved by erotic weight gain might read stories like this one, with girls helplessly piling on pounds despite their best efforts, as a form of body horror. It's strange to think about how very different different people's reactions are to the same stories!



I'm not huge into inflation but I adore all of these "reset" Laurie dreams, that show she's just as much into GETTING big as she is into BEING fat.


620! That's a big bitch. I love how she eagerly demanded two weight gain shakes (each totaling around15,000 calories) with batting an eye. No reservations, no worries. If there's food within reach, she's gonna gobble it down. She's really eating on instinct, to the point that she's choking because she simply can't food down her throat fast enough. The fact that she guzzled down two weight gain shakes while sitting in a mobility scooter and weighing over 600 pounds really got me going. Laurie has to show her fans that's she worked hard to eat herself into handicap status, and I'm all for it. I also enjoy that she's not at all afraid of presenting herself as a slob to her adoring fans. I'm quite curious to see what Jen and Alice's reactions will be to eventually seeing some of Laurie's porn content. Being so obscenely obese that you break your bariatric mobility scooter should be a serious wake-up call, but for Laurie, I imagine it's going to be a major point of pride, something only the real fattiest of fatties have experienced.


Interesting thought on fetishes being horrific to those not inclined that way. I do prefer the sweeter, fluffier stuff when it comes to WG, but as a submissive male, some of my sexual fantasies are downright evil (though non-gory). Enjoyed the latest chapter. Laurie is now actively pushing herself into being the blobbish embodiment of sin, or at least half the deadly ones. ;D Very sexy! However, if Alice and Jen continue to put on weight purely incidentally, Laurie could soon establish a triple-figure lead in poundage. Will the Cheerleader Chunkers remain a unit?


Yes, I'm hoping Alice and/or Jen will be similarly incentivised by Laurie's venture. I mean, look how far they've come without even trying. ;)


Funny that you mentioned King. Didn't he write a novel called Thinner? Quite the horror for your audience ;)


That's an enticing point. Laurie is already the outlier of the group; if the three girls wanted to get together at the mall, today, Alice and Jen would be good to go, but without a mobility scooter, Laurie is pretty much confined to her bed. Laurie already has a good hundred pounds over Alice and Jen, but she's the only one getting fat on purpose, so maybe that one-hundred-pound lead will eventually turn into two. Yes, please.


oh yes! I think I've seen about a dozen wg stories called Fatter that were spoofs of that book! XD

Admiral Thrawn97

Good Chapter. Can‘t wait to see jen get stuck again with her fat ass and is getting arroused by this