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Sarah is in a desperate situation, she needs a job or she'll be out on the street! She doesn't expect much when she accepts a position as personal assistant to Bella LaGrand, a prissy pampered power-tripping executive with a reputation for abusing her staff.  But Sarah soon finds herself oddly enthralled to this magnificent, 500 pound diva... and desperate to get closer to her!

One of the difficulties of this sort of writing, I've found, is that there are so few words in the English language that refer to fatness in a positive way. I guess it's a testament to how much fat bodies are stigmatized in our society that we have dozens of hurtful words to refer to fatness and what positive words we do have always just sound like polite euphemisms to avoid talking about fatness. I certainly like descriptors like "voluptuous" or "rubenesque" well enough, but they don't really have the punch. Plus so many people use those terms to refer to simply busty or merely chubby ladies that they've lost a lot of meaning. As a result, it's hard to write wg fiction without using a lot of hurtful words that I would never use in real life. But maybe that's where some of the excitement of this fiction comes in? The taboo is always enticing and sometimes a word becomes hotter for its negative connotations. That's probably why swearing is so hot in sex stories too XD Someone once asked why I've started throwing so many "fucks" into my stories, and, well, I just think it makes things hotter lol. Why not? XP



Personally I definitely think there's an appeal to using negative terms for fat, but applying them in a way that makes it clear you think its positive. Especially in a bit of good natured teasing. Thanks for the story!


I quite like 'zaftig'. Definitely underused. I find it's similes more than individual words though that give a scene vivacity. I love invoking the imagery of ripe fruit (plump round tomato) or large animals (hippos, elephants, etc.) I'm sure you can think of much more imaginative ones. Thanks for the conclusion of the story. How I'd love to be in Sarah's position, almost completely squashed under the Doyenne's elephantine arse. :D