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Sometimes the spirit just grabs you... well, it did grab me! So here's a second story for all you lovely $5 subscribers... Many of you will probably remember the classic wg story Sarah Makes a Choice by the immortal author The Admirer. This has always been one of my favorite stories... and the Admirer had SUCH a unique and powerful style of writing that their words never fail to send me to the heights of desire even all these years later.  Last night, I lay in bed and started imagining my own take on the classic story... so naturally I made to bash it out quick! I could never compare with Admirer, so I didn't try to imitate their style. This is written much more in my own voice, but it's a definite homage to one of the greats. I hope you enjoy it!



What a wonderful treat to hear your take on this gem of a story. Absolutely nailed it! <3