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Laurie enlists her lovers Frank and Abida in her plan to become the biggest, hottest new BBW star on the scene. They're hard at work making content for the new website and, between the three of them, they've got big things planned! Unfortunately, Laurie's size sometimes gets in the way... not just in filming but also in regular things too. Meanwhile, Alice frets about what her appearance on the Nikki Lake Show might mean for the trio.

These days it's hard to think about the future and anyway that the world could ever be a better place. Sometimes I reflect on the fact that I've poured so much of my creative efforts into the world's longest erotic weight gain story and that gives me pause. What a weird legacy to leave behind! XP Erotica is so maligned in our society, especially any erotica that doesn't fit within some very narrow parameters of acceptability.  So many of my IRL friends, when they hear what I'm writing, will respond with something along the lines of "Why don't you channel your energies into something more marketable?" But when I think about it... I've seen the things that society considers marketable. They suck! They're boring.  Corporations waste millions of dollars on ad campaigns to trick people into believing that, in fact, they actually DO want bland sludge. No one has to waste money convincing people they like erotica.  People know that they like it because it's delicious! Not to flatter myself, but I am proud to be part of a field that caters to a very real need. I like to think that at least makes the world a better place in a very small way.



I love what happened to Laurie in this! Especially her indignation at the idea of losing weight. It wouldn't be so bad watching her try and regain as fast as possible... I really hope we see how she gets out in a future chapter!


Mainstream maybe is profitable but since it tries to please everybody, it never succeeds to be good. Take vampire novels for example: You either get child stories, glittering abdominations or erotic tales of the "you complete me" kind. Good vampire stories seem to only exist in the World of Darkness roleplaying universe (certainly not mainstream) but I want to read a novel, not a rule book. So be proud that you found your audience without giving into the general taste.


"My friends say 'Why don't you channel your energies into something more marketable?' But I've seen the things that society considers marketable. They suck!" XD You carry on doing what you love, Molly - especially when it's as hot as this latest instalment.


Yeah, no ad campaigns required; I'm already sold. Tailoring your creativity towards the mainstream audience means sacrificing passion. Why write what you love when you can instead phone it in for the masses? It's craven. Seriously, thank you for not giving in because you're right, there's a need that you're filling here. There's no shortage of vanilla erotica, but there's not nearly enough weight gain erotica, especially of this length and quality. I love that not only does Laurie look and think like a fat girl, she's even starting to sound like a fat girl; her voice deep, and muffled, and husky. More evidence of Laurie being utterly transformed. She doesn't even sound the same anymore. What's even left of the old Laurie Belmontes? Only her long black hair. It'd be great if Nikki Lake juxtaposes the video clip of Laurie's fat positive cheer with a video clip of a skinny Laurie doing flips and commanding the field as a means to really highlight her fall from grace. Laurie is too fat for her shower chair, too fat for the bathtub, too fat drive, and nearly too fat to walk. She does have her trusty mobility scooter, but I'm really, really curious to know if we'll actually see Laurie back at school in the flesh because she can barely function, barely move. I've mentioned before that it could be interesting if at some point Laurie starts leading cheer practices via Skype from the comfort of her own bed, but yeah, maybe Laurie needs to seriously think about taking virtual classes.


I'm waiting for the moment that Laurie can climax just by overstuffing her gut.