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It's time to check back in with Miss Hubbard again! Miss Hubbard is a very proper mature milf of a teacher from England,  coming on an exchange program to America to teach for a year. Of course,  as everyone knows, America is famous for all sorts of high fat, high  sugar, high calorie food that they just don't have back on the British  Isles. But when the students start to see fattening their favorite  teacher as a game, Miss Hubbard's politeness proves her undoing: she  just can't say no! She's sure to balloon fast when the whole school gets  in on the action...

I like to wax philosophical a bit, but I hate how arrogant I sometimes sound when I talk about my own work. Oh well! I'll still do it lol.  When I was younger, I hoped to be a writer when I grew up. And while I have done "legitimate" writing under my real name, I've never found any of it to give me the same fulfillment as my erotic work. Why is that? I get too self-conscious when I try to go legit, I try too hard to make my prose sound smart and impressive to some imagined audience of highbrow sophisticates. I agonize over the little details too much and my writing becomes stilted and lifeless.  It's only in porn, where I don't feel the pressure to temper my words, that I can truly let loose and spill my rawest feelings in a frenzy. I can be honest in the stories that I share with you and I think that's why these works sing as well as they do. As always, I thank you all for allowing me to share them with you :)



No attachment :)

Ink'd up bag man

I fear that miss hubbard may burst...


Beautiful update. I’m really enjoying this series. Love the ways it’s developing or should I say loving the way Miss Hubbard is developing. What a beautiful bloated Milf she is. Can’t wait to see what you come up


With in part 3. Thanks for all the fantastic work you share with us, not just this piece but over the years your writing has been some of my favourite stories. Alice was one of the first stories I ever read in the whole genre I was so enthralled by it and still am. Megan the TA was another favourite. So glad you share your creations. Much appreciated. Thank you.


You have fantastic writing talent i wish i had! Always eager to read any of your stories. I would love to commission you if you offer that service. I'll even pay you monies! Lol. For real tho.


Thank you so much! I am not accepting commissions right now because I need to finish up the last batch, but hopefully in the near future I'll be open again! :)