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Alice, Laurie, and Jen have received an invitation to appear on a taping of the Nikki Lake show to talk about their viral fame and their immense weights. Laurie and Jen are excited, but Alice is worried... could this end up biting the girls on their wide bottoms? Meanwhile, Kayla and Jody cook up a scheme that will let them indulge to their hearts' content without Dr. Shaw ever knowing!

I apologize again for these long navel-gazing entries lately. I think I've become a little more chatty because of the loneliness of quarantine and rambling a bit helps me to center myself. I may continue posting little journals with future chapters, but don't feel obligated to keep reading them... If you want to get directly to the good stuff, feel free to ignore this and dive right in to the story! :)

After writing this chapter, I reflected on the fact that nothing spicy happens in this one... at least nothing spicy that anyone from outside our niche kink would recognize.  How easily it could fly under the radar, undetectable as porn! And yet, to me, there's still an undeniable sexual thrill in listening in on Alice and co simply living their lives and dealing with the daily tribulations of their size.  I've been writing erotic weight gain stories for a very long time and one thing that I find interesting is the role (or lack there of) that traditional sex scenes play in this style of fiction. I've come to notice that many weight gain authors don't include sex at all in their work, instead mining eroticism from simple descriptions of fat bodies and the challenges that fat people face while traversing a world that is in so many ways so very hostile to them. I started writing Alice when I was far less comfortable with writing explicit sex, so that's something I've only gradually come to enjoy.  It's fascinating to think that sex isn't always a requirement for a compelling erotic story.  I like to think in this instance maybe the characters have become so familiar over the years that one can enjoy spending time with them even when they're doing the grunt work of moving the plot forward rather than the explicit sexy times stuff. But sex is fun too when you can get it XP



If there's one thing we love in the fat fetish community, its navel gazing. And navel poking. I find it deliciously ironic that Alice feels she'll never be truly fat compared to Laurie.


I've said it before, but I've had an aesthetic appreciation of fat women since way before any sexual feelings. So, it's never been a huge consideration for me with weight gain erotica. I just enjoy big, round ladies living their life. ;D

Jarmar Fowler

After you finish this series, are you going to do a canon where alice, jen and laurie are milf?


I've thought about this myself because it really is surreal. Only in our community does overeating brownies serve as eroticism. I love the more explicit scenes in this series, but by far what makes my head swim the most is reading how Laurie is unrecognizably fat, how her fingers are too fat to use a phone properly (!), how she relies almost entirely on her mobility scooter. As you've said, it's the daily challenges, the struggles. Those are my highlights, those are the details that I can't stop thinking about and keep me coming back for more. I'm sure it'll be a while before we actually get to the actual Nikki Lake interview chapter or perhaps chapters, but hopefully it's sooner rather than later. I'm so eager to see it fully realized that I think I'm gonna write up a fanfic story about Laurie. I just finished up overhauling the dialogue for a weight gain mod, and that's helped get me back in the writing mood. Best to strike when the iron is hot.


I've done a couple milf stories with them and I might do more XD I probably won't do a whoel series tho


I personally feel that less is more in terms of erotica. Sure, Laurie's sexcapades with Frank and Abida are fun, but my favorite scenes have always been with the girls just struggling with their own expanding bodies. That's one of the reasons Alice has always been my favorite of the three, her scenes are more focused on her daily struggles with her own blubbery build. Honestly, I would read a chapter just dedicated to her daily life, her jiggling with the slightest move, or her enormous belly getting when she's steering her scooter, or how she's so out of shape that she gets winded just by eating. Even now, I can't wait to see whenever she gets so fat that she starts spilling out of that new corset. Maybe I'm the odd man out with this, but stuff like that for me is hotter than any sex scene.


I like both, but I agree! Just simple stuff like that is super hot... even if it's not "conventionally" sexy!