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I don't know how long many of you have been following my work online, but you've probably all gathered that I've been around a long time in Internet years XP  Long before I ever had a Patreon, long before such a thing existed, long before I even had a presence on Deviantart (already a site for old people!) I had... an angelfire website.  Angelfire, for you kids, was one of those make-your-own website shovelware sites like Geocities or Tripod that used to be big back in Web 1.0.  And it turns out that... my ancient Angelfire website still exists, frozen in all its early 00s glory like a prehistoric insect trapped in amber! XD

I've long since abandoned updating it, but my cringy high school-style of online writing might be good for a laugh! And I believe that some of the earlier stories I posted there might not be found anywhere else on the Internet (for good reason, they're not very good!) In addition, you'll find an archive of stories donated by other erotic weight gain writers of the early 00s, many of whom have gone on to bigger & better things since then -- but some of those stories as well might only now exist on this single long lost Angelfire page.

Take a look! https://www.angelfire.com/weird2/mcoddles/ 


Adriano Ziffer

I remember it and I remember the forum on Proboards, too.


Anglefire? Suddenly unpleasant memories of crappy webpages with blink tags and ugly gifs, slow as hell loading speeds, Internet Explorer 3.01 ready banners, webrings and a lot of broken links spring to mind. How could they survive till today? And checking your link, I can see that loading speed have definitely not improved. Oh, and those broken image placeholders - I almost forgot. *shudders*

Rhys Lawson

I remember when you had the first ten parts of Alice's saga up on the old Dimensions Weight Room.


Ahh, I remember this :)


Same! I think that's how I found out about it. Man this takes me back.


I remember reading your work on Angelfire back in high school :)


I discovered your writing about four or five years ago, so I'm a little late to the party. Visiting your old website, I was just expecting to see your story links, not fan artwork, weight gain group links, stories by other writers, even a forum. It's a pretty fascinating snapshot in time. I had completely forgotten about the old Web 1.0 visitor counters. There's always been something endearing about those. It's funny to not only read that there may be more content in the future coming to the site in the future, but also that you refer to yourself as an " infrequent writer of FA fiction." One hundred chapters strong, plus plenty of short stories to boot, so that description doesn't quite fit anymore.