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I just celebrated my birthday recently, so here's a fun thing I want to try. I'm going to release one of my older $5 stories at the $1 level as an extra this month (I'm thinking I'll ALSO release an extra $5 story too this month, so you $5 backers don't feel like you're not getting your money's worth in extras :) ) BUT here's the twist: I want you to reply to this post with ONE WORD.  It can be any word, any word at all, but only one.  And I'll pick a story to release based on your responses.  We'll see what story seems to best suit the words that folks pick!

Just thought it might be a fun little exercise! :) Hope you're all doing well.

EDIT: ok that's more than enough! XD I'm gonna have a bit of a challenge finding something to fit the bill... but that's the fun!  Keep watching, I'll post something good for ya soon! :)