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Hey all, first I want to apologize for getting a little emo the other day. For those who asked, I'm doing fine, just some minor life problems gave me a case of the "wah wahs" that I should not have foisted upon you.  Everyone who responded was uniformly supportive and I appreciate your kindness in indulging me, and while I don't think anyone resented me being a little emo (I think we're all justified in getting a little down every so often in this bitch of a world XP) I know that's not what anyone here signed up for so I really don't want to fill your timeline with my own personal issues XP 

That said, I want to express my deepest appreciation for everyone who left a comment or sent a message! Truthfully, your responses meant the world to me and really helped to lift my spirits. It made me reflect a bit on how fortunate I am to be able to do this and to find people who enjoy what I do. I sometimes forget the power of erotica to connect with people, but it's always good to be reminded!

I won't promise to never get mopey again (because I can't promise that lol) but I do want to say: Your kindness and support, both financial and emotional, has meant so much to me in the time that I've been writing. Thank you for all you've done and I hope I can earn your continued readership in the future :)



It's all good. We love you. Everyone gets the case of the sads, me included, just take your time and let us know if you need us :)


You are so welcome :)


Y'know, it's funny you mention connecting with people, I felt really disconnected until I started reading stories like this, the Alice saga being one of the first I got into, and realized other people shared my interests. In short, I'm always more than happy to support. Glad you're feeling better, and best wishes for the future.


I'm glad! I certainly remember what it was like when I was younger and didn't know that anyone else shared feelings like this! A lonely time.


happens to the best of us <3


It truly does! But it's still good to be reminded there's friendly voices out there, and it meant a lot to me to hear :)


Happens to everyone and in these times, it is great to lean on a supportive community like this one. We all really appreciate your stories and in turn I can say I am happy that you feel a little better than you did the other day. Thank you for writing and thank you as well for your kindness and mentorship. Happy to pay it forward in your moment of need, we all need that shoulder some times.