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Alice, Jen and Laurie continue to deal with the fall out from their daring cheer routine. After putting their flab proudly on display for the whole world to see, our girls find that they've become rather popular local celebrities! And while not all the attention is good, someone of it very much is!  Jen and Alice deal with a public who wants nothing but to give free food to the chubby cheerleaders who put the town on the map, while Laurie ponders a new direction in life taking full advantage of her magnificent body.

I've been going through some trying times lately -- nothing too terrible, thankfully, just a little beaten down by life -- so if you enjoy this chapter, please don't hesitate to leave a comment. I could use any positive words you have right now XD In any event, thanks for all your support and for sticking with me through all these hard times lately. 


Gretchen Felker-Martin

I'm so sorry you've been going through it, Molly. I really love your erotica; it brings a lot of joy and relief into my life, and if there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask <3


Damn, that episode ended too soon 😀 - I wonder what Laurie is up to. Just shooting a few easy pictures and videos isn't her style. Laurie is more "Go big or go home". Guess there is some work coming ahead for our seamstress that Laurie is bursting to show off 😂 Thanks for your great work and hope you will feel better soon.


Im so sorry you have been going through a hard time. As always, your stories are a bright spot for all of us and we love and appreciate them so much. I also have been going through some things hence my delay on our endeavour, but I hope to have something to you quite soon. Please feel better, and if you ever need anyone just to chat with over PM I am always here for you. Btw Laurie is still as hot as ever! Amazing chapter 97, wow!


Sorry to hear you've been down lately Molly. Your writing has helped me through what's been a bit of a stressful week for myself. Hope we can resume our correspondence soon. Love the new chapter, especially Jen and Alice turning up at Laurie's with their tummies burstingly full. I wish I had Laurie's lifestyle. Wishing you all the best. You're a treasure.


Thanks, Kisbie, much obliged :) I've been remiss at correspondence lately, I apologize for that! XP Life gets so tangled these days lol


Great chapter as always, especially with Alice and Jen finding new limits that I'm sure they'll surpass soon. Seeing an update from you has been a highlight for me and that holds true today. Your stories have always provided a wonderful escape for me since the first one I read and you've always been one of my favorite authors for it. I'm sorry that you're feeling beaten down and whatever you're going through, I can only hope that you can come through the other side soon. Hope our support helps in the meantime.


Even in you trying times, you never fail to deliver, Molly. I'm sorry to hear life is taking a toll. I can only hope that whatever is burdening you lets up, and that happiness and peace of mind finds purchase. Your monthly "Alice" chapter is a gift I eagerly look forward to. So much so, that I often find myself counting down the days. Your writing allows me to escape the stresses of life and find comfort in the fictional and flabby arms of one Laurie Belmontes. For that, I thank you. This chapter marks an interesting turn for Laurie, one that I wasn't sure would happen or not. That, of course, being her decision to become an SSBBW model. Knowing how thin and anti-fat she once was makes her current all the more amazing because she's essentially pursuing a career in being fat as fuck. Laurie not only glorifies morbid obesity, she has become the absolute embodiment of morbid obesity. I like how in the end Laurie catches herself and realizes that Jen and Alice aren't ready to take that dive, to take their fatness to next the level. It sounds to me like she is totally sold on immobility. That's an inevitability at this point. As always, my three favorite things are hearing how Laurie's face has gotten so fat that she's virtually unrecognizable from her former self, how Laurie can only wear muumuus, and how Laurie's limited mobility is forcing her to become more and more reliant on her scooter. To think that the cheer captain queen bee would grow so fat that she's rendered disabled by it... It's mind boggling. That makes me wonder; I know she doesn't leave the house much at this point, but does Laurie have a handicap parking sticker? It seems like something she would try to take advantage of, as I remember how she once mentioned that she should be able to use her scooter in the gym because of "handicap accessibility."


Thanks , Achernarus, glad to hear you enjoyed this! :) I would think that Laurie has a handicapped placard; I don't recall if it's been mentioned, but, if not, I might have to write about her getting one XD

Matt O

Fantastic stuff as ever, love to see Laurie's saga - and hope you're holding on okay, times are hard but your work is always a bright spot in my day at least! Hope you can do what you need to to get over a rough patch