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Alright guys, I posted $10 and $15 reward tiers. Let me know what you think about them so far, but keep in mind that they are not complete yet! I need to get to work on my upcoming Affect3D release first, but after that (so about a month from now) I intend to add thank you minisets that are added as one-time rewards. 

Higher tiers get bigger sets, and I will take suggestions on what you'd like to see included in them :)

EDIT: I had to make one change to the $15 tier, I'm sorry about that because I made a mistake in setting it up. $15 will get you access to my new A3D releases but not my entire catalog of previously released ones. For $15 that's simply an unrealistic offer, but I do want to offer it. I think I'll tie it to a lifetime donation point like $100 or something like that. Since I have way more than $100 worth of content in the A3D store.

I'm also thinking of remastering my old Victoria 4 releases to Genesis 8. I could tie that into the $10 and $15 tier in some way. I'll see how I'll go about doing that, but I like the idea of making that a patreon exclusive thing for a while and only later releasing that on A3D. So I do have some ideas.

Apologies for the back-and-forthing. I'm really trying to work out how to best balance this all. If you pledged $15 before I made these changes and you feel like I'm cheating you out of what you thought you'd get, let me know and you will get what you rightfully purchased. Anyone else who subscribed to that tier after I made the edit... sorry :(

EDIT 2: Decided! It's going to be early access to my old set remasters for the $15 tier. I've been wanting to do those for a while but I don't want to dedicate scheduled A3D releases to them since I'd rather release new content to the store. Perfect to put out through Patreon first :)


Jack Pinder

Know that I will be buying your sets anyways so was hoping for small monthly mini sets, anything from three to a dozen pics with a themed story throughout. Would like to keep my contribution down to $5 as there are so many other artist I would like to support.


Well for $5 I'm going to keep providing those ten images a month, so that should be what you're looking for? Whatever support choices you make, all support is greatly appreciated!

Raziel Crowley

To this I can only answer that I will surely join the 15$ tier. Not sure if I will be able to do that right now or after another pay day (damn currency differences) But without a single doubt 15$ it is. I want to support you, your work and your girls as much as I will be able to.


Guys, made a little update to the $15 tier (well, a fairly substantial one but I figured I'd get in there before it had too many patrons). Read above past the edit marker.


What does a 'remastered set' encompasses?


It means a full remake of the old sets I released with Victoria 4 models on Genesis 8. So better anatomy, lighting, hair, cum, cocks, poses etc. Think Lust Unleashed: The Museum but then looking as good as Glam Noir and Pristine.


That sounds like an amazing deal! I think like a remastered version of "Girls will be Girls" can turnout into something pretty special.

Bob Fink

Pledge made, can't wait to see what you have coming in August!