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Alright, so I want to have a bit of a chat about this. We're approaching the end of the month, and I'm evaluating what has worked, and what doesn't. What worked is definitely the interaction with you guys. It's a gamechanger compared to tumblr, because while I do get feedback there it's rarely in the form of a conversation. Here we all come together to discuss things and that's helping me a lot. The debut set was also fun to do, but ultimately it's impossible to keep up. If I need to make 30 images every single month I'm effectively doubling, if not more than doubling, my annual workload and I would have no time left to do anything else. So for the new reward tiers I need to dial back the quantity of content a little bit. But if I do fewer images, I also want each individual image to be as interesting as possible. So what would you like to see me focus on? Cumshots, pinups, sex poses, etc. Something different every time? I'm not turning this into a poll, I think it's better if the answers are open-ended. Lemme know!



Cumshots and sex poses! Your classic work is still my fave <3. The thing that keeps me expecting more work from you is how the girls interact and mix together. Your threesomes are pretty much the best I've seen ever. I've been wanting more Bree and Tatiana sets since I found your work. I'm a sucker for anything that has Bree in it. More of her please! hehe

Enigmatic Entity

Do you have an idea on what tiers you want to do? A $10 tier, $15 tier, $20 tier, etc? The more money patrons are paying each month should correlate with the rewards that they will be receiving, so if you don't think you can provide that, it's best not to go too high. As for what I'd like to see - definitely more sex poses. Pinups are nice, but seeing your girls engaging in sex acts with one another...there's just nothing better. I'm also interested in story and narrative, as well as the world-building you plan on doing for your girls. :)


Your sex poses are my favorite things.


Hey yeah so I wanna start off easy by expanding up to $20. I've thought about what you said yesterday and I think you were right. $20 patrons will get my A3D releases through patreon, in addition to other bonuses. I do have ideas for higher tiers but let's see where this first phase of expansion gets me. Slow and steady wins the race, I believe.

Despacito 2

I'd say to go for the weird shit that might not get mass appeal in a 3DX set. Things like the urethral penetration from last set, or self-fucking or any other kinks you might like to try but are unsure if it would work in a full set.

Space Banker

Seeing photo sets is good, but I wanna see some behind the scenes type stuff. Like new models in poses. The occasional rigging/animating video would be welcomed as well.


Story, Narrative, and sex poses for me. I'd absolutely love to hear what the girls are 'thinking' as they dress themselves up or stroke themselves off. I've mentioned my love of story with pictures before, it makes images so much sexier to read their thoughts and emotions... Also, yeah, more kinky stuff that might not reach the wider audiences.

Raziel Crowley

I totally agree with "Grayve" comment about knowing what the girls "thinking" more emotions, story and things like these. And about types of photos..well for me I will say cumshots photos are always nice. Faces covered...mmm yes definitely sexy as HELL. Plus I would vote myself for more anal action (maybe even DP anal if it's possible to create) and definitely more sex toys (dildos, butt plugs, hand cuss maybe, blindfold etc) Anyway your work is always amazing so everything will be excellent anyway

Bob Fink

While your cum shots and sexy scenes are some of the best out there, your pinups are some of my favorites as for one you have stunningly beautiful ladies in your work. That being said I'd like to see a mixture of all three.


I like the subtle interactions between the girls before they get it on, ads a nice bit to the build up. Stuff like Mari and Marcella hanging out at the bar, or when the ladies were chillin' in the pool. Like the others were saying, gives some more personality and emotion.


I actually like that too. I've always tried to establish dialogue through bodylanguage because I've never been a few of the dialogue bubble or text bar idea on traditional renders. So you'll definitely continue to see a lot of that since it's kinda my style :D


Huge fan of your pin-up sets like the lingerie special as well!


So glad to support you here!! I would not mind sometimes seeing the bulge under pants or skirt as they get more aroused. Not all the time as I also like the "Magic Cock" just appearing too. Just occasionally. Like seeing a dress like this draped over her cock as she gets more and more aroused. <a href="http://thedude3dx.tumblr.com/post/175354258936/so-i-know-im-giving-you-guys-a-lot-of-mari" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://thedude3dx.tumblr.com/post/175354258936/so-i-know-im-giving-you-guys-a-lot-of-mari</a>