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Hey guys! So I've had a busy weekend and I haven't been able to do any rendering throughout. Tomorrow work on my upcoming release begins and that's going to be the start of a very busy few weeks with a lot of content to post. To hold you over in the meanwhile, I've posted a page background that I'm working on.

I've been offered a feature page at affect3d, and that was already some time ago. The format for these pages is very simple: first you're greeted by a big banner featuring the leading ladies, then you scroll down and immediately below that is a trailer. Then the text begins. For me, a trailer is kind of pointless because I'm not animating yet. Meaning... I need something to fill that space until I do.

I'm kind of stumped as to what it would be. It's not a space where I can put thumbnails that link to stuff, but maybe I can still use it to highlight shots from specific releases, with a logo included? Something like that.

The text in this design would start about halfway between the three light reflections in the marble and the top of the headrest. I'll have no problem filling that area. It's just the trailerspace directly below the girls that I need to fill.

I'll probably figure it out while I'm working, but if anyone has any creative ideas I'm all ears. Meanwhile, thank you all for the support, and stay tuned!



Bob Fink

That's pretty awesome to be offered a feature page, congratulations! I look forward to it's launch. I think for the trailer area, your idea of current releases would work well, or maybe just feature one of the girls in a pin-up pose.


Yeah, or maybe some previews of sets you're currently working on (in case that trailer area is not fixed but can be updated from time to time)


Hmm, can't wait to see all the dirty things that are going to happen on that bed ;)


How about showing the girls' profiles on the trailer section?


Hmmm I might not have enough room to do that. I considered that but I can't fit six girls on. So I could rotate them like monthly but then I'd have to give some indication to people that they should check back in next month?


Or you can do comparison shots of your upcoming remasters with a fancy pre-post slider...