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-mini story-

It's a normal day at school, and Sunset is with her friends to discuss something very important that has been disturbing her.

Sunset: He is a pervert! I don't understand how everyone can forgive him so easily!

Oops, Sunset wants to protect her friends from your lewd attitudes, although we know that everything that happened was nothing more than a serious misunderstanding.

Sci-Twi: what do you mean Sunset O.o

Applejack: As far as I know, it's Pinkie who ... *PLAF* MMMMNN!!?

*Pinkie covers AJ's mouth*

Pinkie: What is that AJ, are you thirsty? Lel…

Sunset: Applejack, remember he asked Pinkie to send him a picture of you in underwear. Rarity, remember he went to the bathroom when you were going to take a shower. Fluttershy, he also saw you in underwear! You Pinkie, he forced you to wear a wet t-shirt! And he saw me on babydoll!.. Although that was partially your fault, Rarity ¬_¬’'

Sci-Twi: I think it was just unfortunate events, that’s all ... I trust him :/.

Fluttershy: me too :/.

Pinkie: Interesting… What do you have in mind Sunset e.e, I can help you.

Fluttershy and Sci-Twi trust you, pretty good! However, Pinkie knows this is a good opportunity to tease you once again.

Sunset: No. This will be my fight against him. I will protect you girls!! DX

Fluttershy: Don't you think you're exaggerating a little bit, Sunset? :O

Sunset's eyes show determination: She wants to do whatever it takes to get you away from her friends! :O .. Hmm, think about it, that includes Pinkie. It wouldn't be bad at all x’D.

-the next day-

You: I'm going to be late!
Today is for sale the new video game The Legend of Equestria: The Trombone of Time... if I dont arrive on time, I will lose my game !!
But when I walk into the store ... - SOLD -


It already happened to me once with a movie (when I met Juniper), and now with the video game that I waited for a long time! You really hate me, dont you?!
However, at that time I receive a text message (SMS): “Do you want the game? Defeat me first: one game, one match, one winner. Go to my home, 6:00 pm.. don’t run. Sunset

You: …
NOBODY TOUCH MY VIDEO GAMES! NOBODY!!!! You wanna play huh?! I accept! And i will crush you!!

Rarity and Pinkie are hidden watching you in the distance. It seems all of this was a plan for you to accept the Sunset's challenge ... and boy, that was easy!

Rarity: How did you know that he was coming here to buy his video game right now, and precisely THAT video game… o_o’

Pinkie: ahmm… *flushing face* It doesn’t matter! <.<

Both girls leave the place. Part one of the plan: success.

-6:00 pm, duel hour-

The tension is felt all over the place... it’s time for the legendary match between Sunset and you, even the girls are nervous… except Sunset who is confident of her victory. She has been training all day and there is no way she will lose.

*Knock knock*

Someone knocks on the door, due to the noise, it's obvious the one on the other side is very angry.

R. Dash: Just in time haha!

You: get out

Woah, you're so mad bro! You walk until you see your rival, she is laughing while Sci-Twi  holds a small box…

You: My Legend of Equestria game!… Daddy came to save you, don't worry! How could you do this?!

Sci-Twi: im sorry T_T .. I didn't want to do this I swear! Dx

You: Sunset. Why…

Sunset: Still don't get it? I’m here to protect girls from your pervy behaviors! I don't know how Fluttershy, Sci-Twi or even Pinkie can forgive such acts, but I don't!

You: wait what?! O_o! That's what it is all about?! That was a misunderstanding!! Dx

Sunset: excuses! Anyway, this is what will happen. We will play Mariano Kart 1 vs 1. If you win, you take your game: the Legends of Equestria .. but, If you lose: you get away from the girls. FOREVER!

R.Dash: ooooooohhh

Sci-Twi: Sunset?! :O 

Pinkie: woah! that was not part of the deal!

Fluttershy: You cant be serious Sunset! He is our friend too! D:

Rarity: If that happens, I won't have anyone to model the male clothes :(

Applejack: Excellent apples! yummi! :3 ^^ *nom nom*

You: … 

Sunset: Or, you can take the game now, but still you have to get away from the girls. This way you avoid the humiliation that I will give you if you accept my challenge ^_^! You choose.

This must be the most difficult decision you have ever had: On the one hand, you have your epic game, which you have been waiting for years, the only copy available. But on the other hand, there is your friendship with the girls. If you accept the challenge, you can win the game, but there is the risk that you can never be together with your friends if you lose. However, there is the other option: You can take your game now, but that means giving up friendship with the girls.

You: keep it

Sunset: hmm?

You: You can't compare a stupid game to a friendship like ours. Keep it.

Sunset: you give up?

You: nop. I only take the second option, but I don't accept the deal, that's all. 

Well, apparently it was an easy decision for you XD. However, as soon as you turn around, all the girls look at you ... O_o..

You: … ahm .. something wrong? :S

Pinkie: WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! *hugs you*

You:  AARGHH! get off me idiot!! 

Sci-Twi: We always trust you ^^ ... although what you said was really cool hehe :P

Fluttershy: Pinkie leave him alone!, you're choking him! Dx

Everyone seems to be happy ... while they tease you a little hehe. I don’t know why but the truth is that you are already part of the family, it would be very difficult to imagine a day without you being there to make them laugh with your nonsense.

Rarity: you right Sunset ^^

Sunset: huh?

Rarity: You said that out loud, darling :P

Sunset: heh *sigh*, yeah I lost. *She looks at you and smiles* Hey.. take your game. You win this time, but you won't leave here without playing a game of Mariano Kart. Prepare yourself!

You: sure! 

Sunset approaches the sofa and tries to catch up to the game, leaning forward. You can perfectly see her… O///o…

You: …

Pinkie: ahm dummy, why you face is red?… ... … ooohh I see! Xddd, yeah, Sunset has a nice “backside”, if you know what I mean :3

Sunset: hmm? You said something?… … … ?! O///O.. WOAH!! I knew it!!

Sunset covers her "backside" with her hands as she turns around!

You: No! wait! I swear I didn't see anything!! 

Sunset: Stop lying pervert!!! D<! COME HERE!!


Pinkie: run dummy, RUN!! HAHAHAHA XD.


>> About the pic: Hi guys! here is the Sunset pic! xD  This drawing was pending a long time ago! It had been months since I drew Sunset, and although I know that she is a very popular character, I must also give affection to other characters xD The truth is that I dont have much to say, I just hope you like the drawing ^ _ ^.. 



A.F. Unknown

Oooohh!!! Que hermoso conjunto! Resalta perfecto en esa pose... maravillosas piernas &lt;3 No se si es un chiste lo de las caratulas de PS4... pero es buena referencia considerando que los juegos de esa consola son considerados peliculas xDDD Esta genial Sunset! Estoy ansioso por lo que se viene :3


Everything was going so well until seeing Sunset’s backside. And Pinkie Pie isn’t to blame this time. Way to go, dummy head...

Awkward Segway

Sunset looks so cute here!


Adorable, and hot. Also, I really like the shading on her dress; it really makes it pop. But also....hot.


muchas gracias hermano ^^. Y bueno, eso de las caratulas de Ps4 fue un añadido de ultimo minuto jaja, si al final es meramente un chiste, si cuela genial xD.


There are some actions that are impossible to control ... that's one of them xD


I mean, Sunset can't blame us right? It's her own fault for wearing such short shorts :)


Also, I would totally get a PS4 to play Rainbow Rocks. And the Trombone of Time sounds fun too.


hehe thanks Stellarator ^^. Whenever I make new outfits, I'm scared a little. The series has wonderful outfits and costumes, I can't get to that level, but I try to do my best :)


You may be right, but you know how some girls are: they getting mad when we see them in underwear, but they wear very small bikinis, and there they don't get angry when we look at them xD.. this is the same i guess e.e .. and yes, I would also like to play the Trombone of Time, that game could be GOTY!!

Sour Power



Sunset's just asking for a looker when she leans over the couch like that - the next versions are certain to be swell even with the current context! Nice touches with the matching yellow and red themed furniture as well.


That's quite a sexy view of Sunset. It'll certainly be sexier in the lewd versions~


Why are the Equestria girl movies in PS4 cases?


It's just a background element XD.. no reason. I still hope you like the drawing ^^


OH MY GOD! She's so cute! D8 One look and you're in love 8)


Heh... the pony games were a nice touch

Kevin Forte

Okay, Sunset, now you're just teasing us with the short shorts overalls.


I always like to think the... different versions are all "canon" to one another, just with later tiers following the earlier ones. So, in here, Sunset starts the night judgemental and standoffish - and before the night is over, whether on her own or with some help from Pinkie setting things up, she'll be kneeling on that couch buck naked, sticking her gorgeous rear out in plain view, with all that may lead to. And that's what's been happening with every single case, too... which is why we the protagonist find the accusations of "pervert!" so bewildering. The girls are the ones who inevitably lead us into H-interactions, but then blame us.


Everyone is free to think that :) .. I leave it to your imagination. Still, I make different expressions for all tastes... I'm sure that if I had not made the V3 (bedroom eyes), many would have requested it xD. The V3 can be perfectly canonical ^^.. anyway, I hope you liked the drawing :) .. Here Sunset's personality is almost a "tsundere" (maybe :S) ... I don't know, but she would never say how she feels in front of her friends xD


Me tragare mi orgullo con la tocino y dire que se ve adorable, pero solo por que tu la dibujaste XD. Otra excelente ilustración my friend, el outfit me gusto muchisimo.


muchisimas gracias Rikku.. sé que tu no eres fan de este personaje, asique eso significa mucho para mí :) .


I keep coming back to this as one of your best pieces so far. Aside from the large things, like her wonderful expressions, there are also all of the little details that make it really pop out from the screen, like the tiny little line of overlap of the top of her thigh over her torso, and the similar small line under her bottom. These are things that are easy to not consciously notice, but that add a surprising amount to the whole thing.


Sorry, you didn't ask for specific artistic feedback. &gt;.&lt; But yeah, picture is good.


thank you Stellarator! :O .. Hey, It's great to read those feedback comments, that helps content creators improve for future drawings :D! With comments like yours, it helps me know that I'm doing a good job ^^. Many thanks ^^