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WIP WIP WIP Work in progress!!

It's been a while since I drew Sour Sweet! Unfortunately, it seems like a group of characters a little underrated by Hasbro :( (Ahem, Dazzling, Ahem) .. but today here is her precious WIP x'D. - I hope you like the final pic! :)

PS: im gonna draw a new set of "new bikinis" drawings :3 (More details soon, but the first girls will be Fshy)




Someone doesn’t seem pleased to see us.


Hace solo un par de días nos trajiste la versión Equestria de Coco Pommel y ya estas trabajando en otro dibujo de Sour Sweet. Eres grande CharlieXe :3 Hermosa por cierto, lástima que Hasbro no les haya dado a ella y a las Shadowbolts más protagonismo :(


muchas gracias Oscar ^^.. Mientras tenga tiempo, siempre traere nuevos dibujos en periodos cortos de tiempo :) . En cuanto a lo demas, asi es... me hubiera gustado ver algo mas de ellas Dx. No se si tendran un comic de ellas, o de las Dazz.

Sour Power

She has the cutest sassy frown, and the most loving smile. Sour Sweet truly is Best Girl! Not to mention she looks amazing with her hair down! <3 :D


That's some pretty sexy lingerie she has there~


Is she pulling on a stocking? Awesome!


Looking forward to the story going with it. Shadowbolts need more story love. I already know the body's going to be gorgeous, so only story is ever in question.


mini-story with her? hmm.. im gonna think about that.. about the body, thanks xD. Believe me, I'm fighting myself to make her look sexy with the anime / EG body replicas ^^

A.F. Unknown

Esas expresiones! Me encanta que se este vistiendo <3


si xD, Espero que les guste el dibujo final, tenia este sketch precisamente para ella :)