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wip wip wip WORK in Progress!

>> "Sunset wants to protect her friends. She's bored with our perv acts, and challenges us to a duel: in a video game! ... who will win ?!"

Hi guys! here is the first WIP for the next drawing: sunset shimmer :)
It's been a long time since I last drew her, and today is her time! I hope you like the final drawing!

WIP work in progress!!




Oh my celestia, what am i seeing and reading? To play and that look? O.o

Sour Power

OOO! Got some Sunset booty on the way I see!

Awkward Segway

Looks great - can't wait to see the final version!


thanks Awkward.. however, i sent you a message :) Please read it. Cheers! ^^


Me wonders if she'll be barefoot like the last Gamer Sunset drawing~