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UPDATE: I added the pic with a second background, its the same of the Sci-Twi.. so, the color are clearer.

-mini story e_e-

There is a costume event at school tonight ... I honestly don't know if I should go, I don't have any costume :( ... poor me.
My manual skills suck, but I guess I could think of something...

-30 minutes later-

You: ... 

Really bro?! it took me 30 minutes to do this trash! Ugh, I already have enough with Pinkie to make a fool of myself... I will stay at home.


You: hello?

Pinkie (phone call): If you don't go to the costume event tonight, I will go to your home and I will take you by force, do you understand? Bye.

*ends call*

You: dammit.
Hey, that's it! I can cross the mirror and hide in Ponyville... she would never find me there!! Perfect, if I go now, I will be able to get there before the event starts...


You: hello?

Pinkie (phone call): that will not work dummy, we will see you at the event. Bye.

*ends call*

You: what the...!!


It's almost time for the event. I decided to go as any random secondary character. Technically we're not even canon here, so whatever. It doesn't take long when I hear that voice ...

Pinkie: hi dummy!!! You arrive early, are you so excited to see our outfits? e.e ... ahm, where are your costume?! What are you supposed to be? O.o

You: I'm random secondary character. Just think of any character, and I will be that character... in your mind. 

Pinkie: *stare*

You: ...ugh! give me a break! I'm not relevant here!

Pinkie: *stare*

You: Aaaaaargh!! FINE!!!
I take out my paper that says "i'm Discord" and I put it in my t-shirt.

You: Happy now?!

Pinkie: not really -_-'.

While I waste my time talking to Pinkie, I notice the girls are arriving at school. Each of them has a beautiful outfit with cute decorations. The complexity of each confection is seen, It's definitely an exceptional work... someone with a lot of experience had to have them done.

Sunset: so you decided to come. I will keep an eye on you, I will not tolerate any pervert behavior! ò_ó

You: Did you hear, Pinkie?

Pinkie: HEY!! <_< *kick*

You: OOUCH!!
Worth it haha!. 

Rarity: The event is about to start girls, we must to let's hurry up and dazzle with our beauty! YAY!!

And so, Rarity leads the girls to the entrance of the school. However...

Pinkie: ahm, where is Fluttershy? o.o ... ... ... dummy? ¬.¬'

You: what

Everyone: *stare you* >_>

You: ... oh for the love of...! Why are you all looking at me like that if I just arrived!!
They definitely don't trust me huh? ... thank you Pinkie.

???: heeeeeey!!
Fortunately this awkward moment is broken by a sweet voice in the distance.

Fluttershy: haah haah *pant* .. im sorry Dx .. I was a little late hehe.

You: ...
Holy! Fluttershy is literally dressed like an angel º-º! A short pink dress, with gold bracelets and small angel wings on her back... she looks amazing.
I would bet my face is as red as a tomato right now!! Dx! I immediately look in another direction to avoid crossing eyes with her.

Rarity: Finally. Ahem, okay everyone ... TIME TO SHINE!!

You: ...
I'm not sure if I should go in with them. It will be best to take separate paths, that way I won't overshadow them with my legendary "i'm Discord" outfit.
I prefer to stay outside for a while, but Fluttershy seems to notice our discomfort.

Fluttershy: huh? don't you come??

You: ah... nah, i dont think so. I have no costume, and actually I didn't even plan to come.

Fluttershy: But you have a costume, you are Discord, right? ^_^

You: ...
Fshy takes a few steps and turns to look at me.

Fluttershy: we are your friends, and although the girls don't say it, we have a lot of fun when you are with us ^_^. If you go home now, the event would not be the same. And don't you worry about Pinkie, I'll keep her away okay? :)

It's hard for me to say something ... I knew that Fluttershy was very cute and sweet, but this goes beyond the limits of tenderness! My heart beats very fast right now O_o.. and my body looks like jelly, I tremble with even the softest breeze!

You: ahm... sure, i mean... i'm here, so...
Aaaargh! I give up. I can't stop babbling.

Fluttershy: okay Discord xD! lets go to the party!!

I didn't know they thought that way about me. In fact, it leaves me very calm that Fshy protect me from Pinkie. That means she trusts me! :O

If you want to continue the mini-story, you can download the Word document ^ _ ^. )
MC pic made by my friend Tom ^^

>> About the pic: Hi again guys!! Here is the new Fshy pic :) - The truth is that I had another drawing in mind for her, but I think this version is much better than the previous sketch I made xD. However, I anticipate that another Fshy drawing is coming very soon (although I have to finish the pending drawings first).




She is so gorgeous 😍😍. Great works!!


The light effect in this image is outstanding. And Pinkie Pie is being divine in hearing your thoughts at home, while thinking of avoiding costume event party. Made me chuckled a lot. ^^

A.F. Unknown

Que sugerente es una de las versiones xd Me intriga saber como acabara todo esto :0


God it's pictures like these that make me wish I could have the PSDs so I can examine their beauty all day.


te refieres a la ultima del fondo claro? La hice porque no se cual quedaria mejor para las versiones T2-T3... creo que esa tendria mas sentido, que opinas tu? :O


yay thanks Hunterz! My PSDs are extremely messy :( .. I think instead of beauties, you would see horrible things xD. Still, I will send all of this drawings in the RAR (you know what I mean ^^), so dont worry!


Fluttercord reeeeeeeeee


The Ponyville escape plan was quickly nixed - this world's Pinkie will no doubt be in contact with her other self, and they will be waiting on both sides of the portal. You could refuse to put on a costume, but Pinkie will spin it as "'the guy who didn't bring a costume' costume". I'm fond of your night backgrounds, but whichever one you go with for the next versions I'm sure I can find good context with them!

Sour Power

Beautiful! I love her subtle neon glow :)


Ooh...her outfit is really cool, with all of that cloth detail. Also, Flutters is gorgeus, but that cloth!


thank you Sour ^_^.. I like the result of the school background, it is not super detailed, but it looks good I guess hehe.


Thanks Stellarator! :) . I'm glad you like it, and apparently Rarity chose her costume correctly xD.


A dream! 😍😍😍

Kevin Forte

Hello, future avatar. Looking at the Fluttershy V3 one. Man it's good to be back.


GORGEOUS!!! = ★ ɛ ★ =


Holy Crap this is Amazing!


Esta si es una angel y no fregaderas!


pero claro jajaj, muchas gracias Oxigenado e.e .. me alegra que te haya gustado :)


Wow very lovely on flutters buddy. And just got your last one thanks for sending it over when I got my pledges back up you the man


Hermosa!! Majestusa!!!! Que va!! otra excelente obra my friend. Fluttershy quedo preciosa y la pose de 10, completamente ad hoc con el personaje, muy bien trabajada esa parte, sin embargo creo que la protagonista en esta ilustración es la iluminación; no se ni por donde empezar quedo soberbia amigo, las tonalidades, el sombreado, ese sutil gradiente en su piel; genuinamente se ve como una escena nocturna, no se como lo hiciste pero lo hiciste (XD), lo que intento decir es que esta muy bien lograda la iluminación ambiental (o global?). La paleta de colores también esta excelente. Felicidades aigo y una disculpa que hasta apenas me este dando una vuelta por patreon, habia estado completamente enfocado a terminar mi dibujo de la brocoli :P.


muchas gracias amigo xD! La noche era precisamente importante en el dibujo, dado a que era un evento escolar nocturno.. me alegra haber reflejado mi idea de buena forma. Gracias bro, en serio ^^. Y como ya he dicho, tu dibujo de Wallflower quedo de lujo, impresionante! Ya comente en ambos lados (mensaje y dA) xD! Brutal bro, eres igual de detallista que yo, y eso es magnifico!!

Jason Ramirez

Oh my what's going on in pics 2 and 3?