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-mini story-

Twilight: okay, I'll go to your house right now, bye! :)

Tonight there will be a "costume event" at school! YAY, and well, the most excited is Rarity. I guess the girls are already on their way to her house, so I should do the same.
Rarity has worked hard on our outfits, so I can't imagine a better candidate to help us... anyway, It takes me only 20 minutes, and Rarity is waiting for me outside ^^

Rarity: hey Twi! Come in :)

Twilight: thank you ^_^
And as I imagined, Dashie, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack and Sunset are here.

Rarity: Alright girls, I called all of you because I want you to model the costumes I made! I need to be sure that you girls look cute and sweet! Aww, and you will love what I have planned for you <3.

*Rarity stare me...*

Twilight: huh? W-Why are you looking at me while you say all that º-º'

Rarity: I really have worked on everyone's outfits, but you darling, you will be the shining star! *-* .. Come with me!

Twilight: aaah!
Rarity pushes me into her locker room. She is definitely excited! Start mumbling but I don't understand what she say.

Pinkie: So, do you think the dummy-head goes to the event? xD

Sunset: who care?

Pinkie: It will be very boring if he is not there.. Who will I tease, I need to have fun, and the readers too! :P

Sunset: ahm, excuse me? What do you mean? ¬_¬'

Applejack: Didn't you think it was enough "fun" send him a picture of me in my underwear?!

Sunset: What?! I knew it! He is a dirty pervert! I bet he asked you to send that picture!

Pinkie: ahm... yes?

Applejack: That's not true! In this case, he is innocent... I guess <_<...

(A loud scream is heard, coming from Rarity's locker room! :O)

Everyone: ...?!

Twilight: NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! I can't wear this at the event!

Rarity: hehe, okay girls! BEHOLD!! Twilight come on, trust me! :D.
(Twilight comes out of Rarity's locker room...)

Everyone: WOOOAH!!...

Sunset: the heck! first you forced me to wear something like that, and now Twilight?!

Applejack: All this time I thought Pinkie was the lewd girl ... I was wrong.

Rarity: really? This is my masterpiece!... Twi looks very sweet and cute don't you think?

I'm so embarrassed that I can barely hide my flushed face!.. please, somebody help me T____T''!!

Rarity: have more confidence in yourself Twi, you look very beautiful!! Just one more thing, I need you to help me convince them that this outfit is perfect! Can you meow us? :3 ...

Twilight: what?!... ... ... You promise me that if I do what you say, I can take off this outfit and wear something more normal?

Rarity: Why? Dont you like it? T_T

Twilight: I didn't say that ... it's cute, but I can't wear this in public! 

Rarity: oh I see.. Sure! Now, meow us Twi! Help me prove I'm a genius!

Twilight: ...
I take a deep breath, try to calm down and I start ...

Twilight: ... MEOW... PURRR... meow.. = ^ ? ^ = tee-hee *wink* 

Rarity: it's... perfect... it's... beautiful! T_T

Pinkie: O______________O... sorry Twilight...


Twilight: ...?! W-What was that O_O

*Phone call sound*

Pinkie: Hi dummy! :D
PFFF!! Pinkie is calling him?!! What is she planning to do?! :S!

You (phone call): geez not again. Hey, I don't have time for your stupidities... bye.

Pinkie: WAIT!! you gotta see this. She is an angel!! Or rather, a cute kitty :3!

You (phone call): What are you talking about

Pinkie: Oh my bad!, Im gonna send you a picture.....
Pinkie took a picture of me on her cell phone, and will she send it to him?! AAAAAH!!

Twilight: Pinkie NOOOOOOO!!!!

Applejack: No today! *poom*
AJ takes Pinkie's cell phone ... fortunately, I can reach it..

Pinkie: hey, it's my cell phone!! help me dummy!! DX

You (phone call): hello?.. something happened?

Twilight: no no, we are fine hehe.. dont worry.

You (phone call): ... Twilight? 

Twilight: yes.. ahm anyway, I have to go... ahmm... I-I will see you tonight at the event, i guess hehe ^///^. Bye.

You (phone call): hey.. wait!!... 

*ends call*

*Sigh* Thanks to Equestria ... if he sees me in this outfit, I could never see his face again, I would be too embarrassed!!

Pinkie: Give me back my phone!! Dx!

Twilight: Pinkie! do you realize what you were going to do ?! D:<

Pinkie: but you look great like a kitten Twi! Too bad he can never see you like this :(

Rarity: Heh, that won't be a problem. It's a gift for Twilight, so she can dress it whenever she want ^_^..

Twilight: oh really? well, thank you *giggles* ^^ ... huh?...

Everyone: *stare*

Twilight: h-hey! I'm not going to dress this for him, if that's what you're thinking!! >///<
And well, we stayed a little longer to see the other outfits that Rarity made for us ^_^. However, to prevent other incidents, we took Pinkie's cell phone hehe.
Rarity is very talented... although... hmm, I can't stop thinking about it... what would he think of my new kitty outfit? º-º


You: ... weird.

>About the pic: Hi guys! I think a long time ago I didn't draw this girl justifying her tenderness and her sexy side * 0 *. I was inspired by my previous Sunset drawing, I wanted to do something similar but with a "unique touch" for Twi, I hope you liked the drawing ^_^.




super like 👍👍👍


There needs to be a smartphone ban during a friend meeting to prevent Pinkie Pie from taking pics, to send to dummy-head. ;p


I love this mini story, and Twilight is so adorasexy! Also, Coco Pommel is coming and it's an h-pic? YES!!! I cant wait :D


thank you Barri! That's right. When I made the post to draw the Dakimakura, the name of Coco Pommel was written many times ... and my mistake, I forgot to add her to the poll for the characters in Set 2. So now she will have a drawing just for her :D!

khalif brown

Wow. Talk about the girls getting revenge on Pinkie Pie for those pictures.


Nerdy and sexy - for all her outward modesty against her outfit here I can see Sci-Twi as the secretly repressed type of gal waiting to burst out and surprise everyone!


Twi may seem embarrassed, but inside of her maybe she wants to be seen like this hahaha.. i dont know yet xD

Awkward Segway

Love the pictures (and Pinkie breaking the fourth wall in the story)!


Wow, this one is simply amazing, I can imagine Twi sticking her tongue out with that winking face in silliness.


Back in the day when I first started following you, you did a competent job of making show-style vectors. But it's always really cool to see how you've gone WAY beyond that now. You obviously have still kept that as the _base_ of your style, but I absolutely love all of the shading and light effects and other things you do that makes everything come off the page. Err, screen. Your stuff is still "on model", but really expands on the source material instead of just copying it. (end of fanboy babble)


Your comment is totally true Stellarator, I have changed the drawing style a little bit. When I started drawing the girls (2016 was my first drawing), my style was to 100% replicate Hasbro's drawings.. In other words: Flat colors and flat backgrounds. But my goal is always to improve, and I think this change is something positive, since as you have mentioned, now I create not only the girls, but I can add many effects: shading, brightness, sparkles, light effects, particles, etc.. (I understand that everyone may not like this). This new style is a mix between the original EG base and the anime style. I have received criticism, in fact although I have gained followers on deviantart, I have also lost them. But anyway, I'm not the only content creator with Hasbro's "replicate" style. Currently this is my style of drawing: subtle changes in their bodies, but without losing the base of the original series, you commented it perfectly!! ^_^. Thanks again dude! I hope this change has favored me as a content creator.

A.F. Unknown

Maravillosa! Es primera vez que esta Twilight... la de moño, se me hace tan sexy con lenceria. A ver como se luce con las variaciones :0

Sour Power

A very cute Dweeb!


oh y eso? :O , te gusta más la normal de pelo suelto? Es complicado decir que sean las mismas chicas, porque se supone, que no lo son xD.. (por temas de storyline) jeje- Muchas gracias hermano!


Thanks dude! ^_^ -- Have you ever thought that the modeling of Sci-Twi is similar to that of Sour Sweet? It would not be weird, since animators usually recycle bodies for their characters (which are already animated). Hmmm.. Anyway, thanks dude!!


damn just freaking beautiful man. keep it going dude


DAAAAAAAAAWWWWW!!!! KittySciTwilight is AWESOME ! ! ! = ❤ ☐ ❤ =


That face is irresistible = ° ω ^ =


Yes, Sci-Twily makes my tenderness rise = ❤ ω ❤ =


Ohh Twily!!! [inserte cara con ojos de corazon] Wow wow wow!! Cuanta zukulencia bro! XD Este se va inmediatamente a mi carpeta de favoritos :P. Desde que sigo tu trabajo uno de los tantos elementos en los que me gusta mucho ver como vas mejorando y puliendo detalles es en el cabello; muchos ilustradores de fanart de Eg's cuando hacen el cabello lo hacen con estilos tipo anime u otros que se vean mas "realista" y cuando lo ves en conjunto a mi parecer no encaja (me refiero especificamente aquellos que buscan recrear el estilo original de las EG's), no digo que este mal, cada quien lo hace a su propio gusto pero creo que eres de los pocos que ha encontrado un buen balance en nivel de detalle para el cabello sin que llegue a verse exagerado o poco coherente con respecto al resto del estilo ilustrativo y eso a mi parecer, le añade mas credibilidad al dibujo como conjunto. Solo una observación mas de este tipo tan quisquilloso que siempre anda fijándose en los detalles aunque nadie la pregunte XD. Sigue asi amigo, otra excelente obra de arte, 10 en todo XD. Saludos.


hey Rikku! Muchas gracias hermano!! El pelo siempre es algo dificil de hacer en un dibujo, incluso cuando se trata de un cabello que es algo "plano" como este estilo. Intente de darle más efecto o darle algo mas "lindo" de ver, acorde a los efectos que yo le agrego a sus atuendos por ejemplo. Me alegra saber que funciona y que esta al pego con el estilo de dibujo ;). Gracias de nuevo hermano! Un saludo!