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Pinkie: Hi dummy! Hey, are you mad at me? Come on, it was just an innocent joke xD! Listen, with this you will surely forgive me ;)

I'm at AJ's house ... today we will go to school together!. At this time she would still be sleeping, but I called her early, that way I would perfectly timing with her when she's getting dressed!! - I go to her room and knock on the door.


Pinkie: Hi Applejack!!

Applejack: What are you doing Pinkie...

Pinkie: Why it takes you so long to get dressed, we will be late for school!

Applejack: Sure, sure... just give me five minutes..


Applejack: huh? What was that...

Pinkie: You look very sexy Applejack! *_* It would be a waste not to take a picture of you!!.. I'm sure the dummy-head will like this, It's your chance AJ!! You will thank me eventually ^_^.

Applejack: W-WHAT??! Don't you dare!!

Pinkie: aaand... sent! Okay dummy, enjoy it! xD

Applejack: PINKIEEEEE!!!!!



You: huh? what's is this. A Pinkie message?, Let me see... ... ... - WOOOAAHH!!

-True ending- xD

>About the pic: I honestly don't remember drawing a picture of AJ with a "suggestive" look, if you know what I mean e_e. Today is the day that we are going to see the sexy side that AJ with that eyes :O! And all thanks to Pinkie! (aham, i guess.).. I hope you like it!!, Cheers!




So whose to blame now, you or Pinkie Pie?


AJ just might give you a pass on this one given that's it's not your fault - even if she thinks that the last incident at the resort was! Who knows, maybe she might be a little flattered at the possibility of you using her as a phone wallpaper? Pinkie's lens fits the dimensions...


Pinkie sees her friend almost naked, how lewd


😍 bless you Pinkie


And thus, AJ's aware that Pinkie Pie was behind it all the whole time. ;)

Sour Power

She's beautiful!


Among girls I think nothing happens when they see themselves in underwear e_e..


una dia es la mala y al otro nuestra heroina x'D. En dA, la mayoria la tildó de "villana" jaja.


Exactly :P .. This isn't our fault x'D. If AJ has to get mad at someone, it will be Pinkie lol.


Fun fact: I made this sketch thinking of Sour Sweet, but I changed it to AJ. I have in mind another pose for Sour Sweet º-º .. I hope to draw her soon.


Your AJ is always on point!!!


Lovely and AJ looks surprised very cute. Nice work man keep at it

A.F. Unknown

Que linda. Esa ropa interior la hace ver muy sexy, y que le hayas quitado su trenza... realza mucho la belleza del dibujo. Maravillosas la 3 versiones! <3


Thanks Kaitanos! I'm working on the alts versions, and then I will start with the dakimakura, I hope you like it dude!


muchas gracias compadre ^_^. No es muy comun dibujarla sin su trenza la verdad, me alegra que te haya gustado! Y bueno, la tercera version con Pinkie Pie es más un trolleo x'D.. pero si les gustó en verdad, pues genial! *-*


Great AJ is always welcome, people always sleep on her potential to some extent, but she makes for S-grade waifu material (as do the other main girls!). Good work having it be both sexy and not outright "explicit", letting it sort of bridge the gap between the sides. Plus, absolutely excellent body proportions and shape. One day, would be interesting to see a pic of AJ doing some sort of physical work - with some muscle visible to show for her active lifestyle, perhaps, but without "muscle fetish" things. But that's far enough into the future that it'll come off well in your style, we're not quite there yet, perhaps.


I've seen Rainbow Dash in those kinds of drawings ... maybe in the future I will draw RD with AJ doing succulent exercises hahaha. In fact it is a good idea xD .. hey, you always have good ideas!


Mmmm smells like the best kind of apples.