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Alright! I have read all the comments, and well, there are many characters. Most of them aren't even from EG x'D ... but nothing happens.

The three most repeated names were: Juniper (6), Celestia (4) and Vignette Valencia (4). However, what is the problem here? Juniper was drawn about 2 month ago. It's a relatively recent drawing. But I'm not a dirty rat x'D, you want to see Juniper? No problem, Im gonna draw Juniper but not in this dakimakura.

The other most repeated names were Cadence (3) and Miss Cheerilee (3). There are also other names that were repeated 2 times (the rest were only named 1 time).

> What I am going to do?: I'm going to do two sets of dakimakura, so it will be two drawings (of three characters each).- Set one is decided. But to make things fairer, you will be able to vote for set 2, with your own elections.

"So, what's going to happen to Juniper? D:", It's obvious that all of you have spoken loud and clear. Juniper will have her own drawing very soon (priority), dakimakura style perhaps, a Set 3? I think that would be fair. But if you want a Set 3, tell me and I will do it without problems.

> The name of the character I wrote is not in the poll, why? Remember that the most repeated names were those that I was going to draw. Unfortunately I cannot draw them all, it's impossible for me due to time, however, this definitely helped me to know what characters you want to see, so I can focus on drawing them eventually.

The options that I will write will only be the names that were repeated 2 times. You can vote more than 1 time, so go ahead.

Set 1: Celestia, Vignette Valencia and Cadence.

Set 2: ??? (you choose) e_e.



Aaaahh!! I forgot to add Adagio! x'D... oka oka, no problem dudes, I have to draw her with Aria Blaze anyway xD.

A.F. Unknown

Oh! Esto si que se viene muy bueno :'0


I vote Lyra, and Yes to set 3 I really wanted Juniper.


I think Coco Pommel and Vapor Trail were also mentioned twice. If it counts, I’d include Vapor Trail in my picks, but I picked three here anyway in case it doesn’t.


You're right. I definitely think I'll do a Set 3 with those characters.


Nice! 2 out of 3 of mine, made it to the pool 8)


Uhm... the set 2 . . . 4 girls? COOL XD


just 3 D: .. im gonna make one extra poll somnambula vs lyra e_e .. maybe im gonna make the Set 3 in the future :)