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For some reason, Pinkie has played cruel jokes on us, involving us in events with great misunderstandings. We are always beaten and humiliated for the girls. But this is over.

It's time... for our revenge!!

-The next day-

You: badum-da-dum-dum-duuum *singing*

I'm in the park waiting for Pinkie. I have everything planned, and thanks to Trixie, I will not lose.
It's simple, I'm going to receive a call of Trixie and I will meet with her. She will give me a UNO card game, but the cards will be marked. I will invite Pinkie to a UNO match, and the bet will be the same: Whoever loses will do what the winner says. However, I will always know what cards Pinkie will have and I will anticipate her moves. I CAN'T LOSE!.
Just then I hear Pinkie...

Pinkie: Hi dummy! Sorry :P ... I was a little late to our date tee-hee.

You: no prob-... Hey this is not a date! So, do you want an ice cream or something?

Pinkie: There is a cafeteria with some delicious cakes. Let's go there!

We headed to the cafeteria with Pinkie. While we wait for our orders, my cell rings. It's Trixie... mwahahaha !!

You: Give me a moment, I need to answer this call.

Pinkie: Hmm?.. It's a girl, right? How rude to accept another girl's call when we are on a date! >=(

You: First, this is not a date, and second It's an important call. So shut up.... -Hello?...
Everything is going according to my plan, I tell Pinkie that I have to meet someone and if she can wait for me five minutes.
Upon returning (with the cards marked), I proceed to the second phase of my ingenious and evil revenge.

You: Pinkie, Do you remember the UNO match we had with Dash, Sunset and Fshy?

Pinkie: Hehe, sure, that was awesome... for you :P

You: very funny. I want a rematch, the loser will do what the winner says. Do you accept? *evil stare*

Pinkie: huh? This is unusual, but... I ACCEPT!

Start the game. I can see Pinkie's cards and anticipate her plays... I can smell my victory, I can feel it!!. Thanks Trixie! I owe you one. And just as i planned...


Pinkie: wow, this definitely seemed important for you O.O' - Well, congrats dummy xD.

You: Save your congrats for someone else!! Now, It's time for my revenge!! HAHAHAHAHAA!!! *evil laugh*

-The next day (again)-

You: You arrive early..

Pinkie: I keep my promises ;)

I asked her to do my chores at home.
Hey, we could ask her to do something "pervy".. But if we do that, what is the point of fighting for our innocence. 

You: Start wherever you want, I'll go buy things to you make me a delicious lunch when coming back.
Hah! I'm going to enjoy this!!

-1 hour later-

You: well, this took me longer than expected.


???: AAAH! not again!

When I arrive to my home, I hear a weird noise. It's like a splash of... water? What is happening there...¿? - We open the door.

You: Hey Pink...- WOOAH!!
We can see Pinkie screaming angry and soaking wet. Apparently she dropped a bucket of water... but, why is she dressed like that?!. That's one of my T-shirts!

Pinkie: hmm?... oh, hi dummy! :D

You: ... o_____o''
Holy moly. She looks very sexy, it's impossible to deny it!!. Besides, she is soaked and the t-shirt looks semi-transparent... O///o
Pinkie see us while she leans forward, It's like she's playing with us!!

Pinkie: It's the second time that happens to me ... I accidentally dropped the bucket with water and I wet my clothes, so I went to your room and I take one of your t-shirts, I hope you don't mind hehe. But again I accidentally dropped the bucket with water :P

You: ...

Pinkie: ahm... Are you angry because I took your favorite T-shirt or something? xD

You: P-please... just get dressed and get out of here.

Pinkie: Why? I'm not going anywhere. I have a punishment for losing the UNO match, remember?. Come on, if you want me to finish quickly, you could help me :) 

If she stays here, we will lose what credibility we still have with the other girls!!
Immersed in my thoughts, I hear the door open...

Trixie: hello? I came because Pinkie called me. Hey, did you already use my UNO cards?...

You: ?!...

Pinkie: oh... hi Trixie :D!


Trixie screams terrified to see Pinkie dressed... like that!, and well, obviously this lent itself to a big misunderstanding... once again.

You: Wait... this is not what it seems! It's a misunderstanding!

Trixie: shut up pervert!! How dare you force Pinkie to dress that wet t-shirt!! Disgusting!!

You: Nonononono! I'm innocent!.. Argh!!


You: ...oof... ... ...
Why Trixie is here. She said Pinkie called her?! Impossible!

Pinkie: well well well... Cheating is never good, dummy! ^_^..

You: h-huh?

Pinkie: I could see on your cell that Trixie was the one who called you... It's your fault for using our photos in your contacts when we call you hahaha!. When you returned, I noticed that UNO cards box was marked with a magic wand. Trixie's mark :).  Besides, you would never play an UNO match with a bet like that. Aaaand, you suck in this game xD.

Trixie: If I had known it was for this, I would never have helped you!! 

You: Trixie, I already told you this is not what it seems!... ?!... Wait Pinkie, that means you intentionally lost the match... but why.
She just looks at me, laughs and winks at us. O///O

Pinkie: I'm going to change my clothes now xD. Still, I had a lot of fun on our date yesterday ;). Bye dummy!

You: Grrr!! IT WAS NOT A DATE!!!!!

-END- xD

I hope you like it guys!! Cheers! xD
Inspired by Kantoku




And there goes your innocence status again, thanks to Pinkie.

Awkward Segway

Great picture, great story.

A.F. Unknown

Este es sin dudas uno de los dibujos más maravillosos de tu parte. Pinkie esta increíblemente sensual. La blusa húmeda, su pose, la expresión de su cara... todo combina a la perfección! <3


And of course Pinkie manages to twist the situation against our poor Anon. Poor dude.


Cuando dibuje su cara, no pude evitar reirme xD.. no se porque, pero ese rostro es tan de ella, tan troll jajaja... no se si me explico. En fin, muchas gracias hermano!


Apparently, our MC is doomed to suffer "the jokes" of Pinkie hahaha xD. At least, it receives good views hehe


Won on our terms only to lose on her terms - guess we can’t beat the prankster at her own game!

Sour Power

Get that floor a little more clean and we'll be able to see a nice reflection.


In that case, no matter the beating Trixie gave us, that would be worth it @.@


Yeah, at this point, I would not hold back anything for her. Wouldn't even be a hatebang. She just knows very well how to work up her prey so he's as intense and energetic with her as he can possibly be. It definintely adds to the intensity if you have tension to work out with the hot minx.


You're right. One way or another, Pinkie will never lose xD.. Besides, although the temptation is never good, if she is willing to (you know what i mean) ... well nothing to do here x'D

Cyber Phantom

Let’s hope at the end of the mini story, every girls who accused him of being a pervert all realized this was all a cruel prank from Pinkie, they apologized and decided to help him get revenge on Pinkie. This time Pinkie finally got what she deserved and forced to promise to never humiliate him ever again.

khalif brown

Pinkie: I also thought wearing this would help you give me my other punishment. *fluttering eyelashes* Me: Wait, what other punishment? Pinkie: *flirting* Well, now that I'm wet again and you're seeing me like this, I can tell you like what you're seeing. Just think it's better for both of us if we take this to your bed. Me: *eyes widened* Wait. You mean you wanna... Pinkie: Have a kiss and go further with you? Of course, silly. *grabs your arm* Come on. Me: *being dragged into your bedroom * Woah. Pinkie, slow down.


It will be difficult to give a good ending to all this, but hopefully all this misunderstanding will be fixed in a good way ... in a future drawing e.e


All of my yes! buen trabajo como siempre señoron!


Drools. ❤️